


Babe Ruth struck out 1,333 times. But we remember him for his 714 home runs. Cy 

Young, one of the greatest pitchers, won 511 games. But few know he also lost more games than 

any pitcher (316). 

Abraham Lincoln was badly beaten when he ran for the legislature. He then failed in 

business and spent 17 years paying off the debt. He was defeated in his race for the Senate. He 

had one setback after another, but eventually became the President of the United States. He was 

not a “quitter”. He had stickability. 

Many Christians “believe for a while, and in time of temptation fall away” (Luke 8:13). 

Like Israel we have a tendency to forget God (Jer. 2:32). In most communities, there are those 

who once were faithful but are not know. Maybe they do not attend classes or services as they 

once did. They have ceased to participate in the work of the local church. They have virtually 

quit. But a winner never quits, and a quitter never wins. Let’s be doers - not quitters!