

For Fun!

Several years ago a very sweet Christian girl told me about an incident with a young man
who had been asking to date her. He was not a member of the church and they just didn’t have
any thing in common. She had turned him down twice and now she had said, “no” to attending a
rock concert with him.
In a kind of mock exasperation the young man asked, “What do you do for fun? You
don’t dance, you don’t drink, you don’t attend rock concerts, what do you do for fun?”
Though she related her answer to me in a way that made it seem as though it was a
simple response, it was actually a classic message from all Christians with conviction. To the
young man she replied, “For fun I get up in the morning without feeling embarrassed, ashamed
and guilty about what I did the night be- fore.” The young man had nothing more to say.
It’s true! That’s fun! Come to think of it, there are many things in her life that are fun.
She is married now to a fine Christian man. They have a little girl and are building an
outstanding Christian home together. I am thrilled thinking of the fun she is having.
She is having fun every day living without the affliction of deep scars and regrets from
her past. It’s fun getting all prettied up for her husband when he comes home from work
knowing that he won’t be stopping off at a local bar for a few drinks with the boys. It’s fun
knowing that while he is away from her, his Christian conduct won’t allow infidelity of even
flirting. It’s fun watching him hold his little girl on his lap with loving protecting arms.
It’s fun knowing that her little girl will never see her father in a drunken stupor or
experimenting with drugs. It’s fun living with the assurance that the home will be led by a
spiritual leader who will guide the family toward Heaven.
The list of fun things for Christians is endless. What do you do for fun?
~Jack W. Carter; Catoosa church of Christ, Catoosa, OK