


I am a “detail” oriented person. As a music director, I spent much time paying attention to
the smallest of details. At least, that is what most of my students thought. They always
questioned the need to repeat a section of music, or the need to do a marching formation “one
more time.” Even when it comes to painting a room or a house, some would suggest just
slapping paint on a wall and be done. I will spend extra time taping off areas I don’t want painted
and then be very careful not to drip any paint anywhere. Details!
Spend time reading the Bible and you will find whole sections dealing with “details.”
Exodus chapters 25 through 30 give “in detail” the pattern of the tabernacle, courtyard and items
in the tabernacle. God “details” the clothing for the priests and the dedication of the priests for
working in the tabernacle. The last few chapters of Exodus “detail” the construction of the
tabernacle, courtyard and items in the tabernacle. Leviticus records “in detail” the sacrifices to be
offered to God and preparation of those sacrifices. The first book of Kings records “in detail” the
construction of the temple; and the last chapters of Ezekiel (40-48) give “in detail” the vision of
the new temple, its walls, rooms and sacrificial implements. These are just a few of the many
examples of “detail” God gives in His Word.
In the religious world today, it seems we are more concerned on just getting things done and
moving on to the next challenge or requirement. And in so doing, are we missing the details
which will bring greater meaning to our service, worship and Christian lives? Has worship
become so constrained by time that it is just something we do so we can say we’ve “worshiped
God?” Are we worshiping the Lord in “spirit and truth” (John 4:24)? Or, are we worshiping God
according to our own personal desires (Mt. 15:7-9)? In living for Christ, are we following Him
with total commitment (Luke 9:23)? Or, do we take it upon ourselves to determine what is really
necessary in following Christ (Mt. 7:21-23)?
Details! It is often heard, “Don’t sweat the small things!” But when the small things (details)
are ignored, they frequently turn into big things which are far more difficult to correct. When we
begin to search out the “details” in God’s Word, then we will understand the important lessons to
be found to help in our walk with the Lord and look forward with anticipation to the words,
“Enter in good and faithful servant.” ~ P. Mowrer