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June 16 Announcements

 Brad Tolbert is in Baptist Medical Center North Little Rockwaiting to get into a Rehab facili[...]

May 19 announcements

 Rick Naron’s memorial service was Saturday, May 18. Pleaseremember his family. Keith S[...]

May 5 Announcements

 Barbara Durham is at home recovering after hospital stay totreat stomach ulcers. Brad Tolber[...]

  1. Details June 16 Bulletin
    Josh Walker Sun AM, June 13, 2024
  2. Details May 19 Bulletin
    Josh Walker Sun AM, May 17, 2024
  3. Details May 5 Bulletin
    Josh Walker Sun AM, May 03, 2024
Worship Times & Directions


Welcome to the church of Christ which meets at 2078 Hwy. 425 N in Monticello. We are an undenominational church seeking to know and follow God’s way.  Jesus said, “I will build my church…” (Matthew 16:18), and we are trying to follow the Lord’s way by studying the Bible and accepting it as the inspired Word of God. “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,… (2 Timothy 3:16).