

July 14 Announcements

 Brad Tolbert is in The Woods of Monticello -
Room 64. Please continue to pray for him and his
 Please pray for Kenny Hudgens. He is in Baptist
LR dealing with infection. He was scheduled to
have pacemaker replaced on Friday.
 Continue to remember Donnie & Janice Wright.
 Please keep Rita Stiles in your prayers.
 Remember Jerry Tolbert (Brad’s Dad). His cancer
has returned. They are considering radiation.
 Continue to remember Acacia May (Becky Rice’s

 Andy Boykin needs prayers concerning his can-
cer treatments.

 Candace Carter got a good report from her biop-

 Please pray for Ella Paige Kasinger. She had been
diagnosed with T-cell lymphoma. She is a friend
of Sadie Beard’s and is a member of the youth
group at the church where they attend.