Nov 10 Announcements
Rita Stiles needs continued prayers.
Suzette Russell needs continued prayers.
Donnie & Janice Wright need continued prayers for health problems.
John Rice is at Mayo Clinic working out a plan. Please pray he can get some needed answers..
Acacia May, niece of Becky Rice, needs continued prayers.
Charles Baldridge, brother-in-law of Janet Staudinger, has prostate cancer that has spread. He is currently undergoing immunotherapy.
Ray Leonard needs continued prayers.
Lindsey Baker’s step grandma, Beverly Hood, passed away. Services were Tuesday, November 5. Please remember this family.
Lynn Burton has requested prayers for health problems.
Bobby Doshier, Sandra Baker’s will have eye surgery in December. Please pray for his health.
Michelle Bailey is having problems with her blood sugar. Please pray for her.
Danny Wallis, Erica Simmons’ dad, is scheduled for surgery on Wednesday. Please pray for him. It will be a 7-10 day hospital stay.
Gary McDonald, friend of John Staudinger and Lyndell Baker’s nephew, rare form of cancer. Please remember him in your prayers.
Mayson Dardenne, 14 year old that attending Drew Central, was diagnosed with Stage 4 Hodgkins and is currently in treatment at Arkansas Children’s Hospital.