

Nov 10 Announcements

 Rita Stiles needs continued prayers.
 Suzette Russell needs continued prayers.
 Donnie & Janice Wright need continued prayers for health problems.
 John Rice is at Mayo Clinic working out a plan. Please pray he can get some needed answers..
 Acacia May, niece of Becky Rice, needs continued prayers.
 Charles Baldridge, brother-in-law of Janet Staudinger, has prostate cancer that has spread. He is currently undergoing immunotherapy.
 Ray Leonard needs continued prayers.
 Lindsey Baker’s step grandma, Beverly Hood, passed away. Services were Tuesday, November 5. Please remember this family.
 Lynn Burton has requested prayers for health problems.
 Bobby Doshier, Sandra Baker’s will have eye surgery in December. Please pray for his health.
 Michelle Bailey is having problems with her blood sugar. Please pray for her.
 Danny Wallis, Erica Simmons’ dad, is scheduled for surgery on Wednesday. Please pray for him. It will be a 7-10 day hospital stay.
 Gary McDonald, friend of John Staudinger and Lyndell Baker’s nephew, rare form of cancer. Please remember him in your prayers.
 Mayson Dardenne, 14 year old that attending Drew Central, was diagnosed with Stage 4 Hodgkins and is currently in treatment at Arkansas Children’s Hospital.