

Examine Yourselves!

I realize that I have leaned heavily on 2 Corinthians 13:5 the last little bit, but I would 

like to lean that way again as we near the end of one year and begin looking ahead to bringing in 

the new year. The apostle Paul challenges the Christians in Corinth, “Test yourselves to see if 

you are in the faith; examine yourselves!”

This same challenge is important for each and everyone of us on a daily basis. It is too 

easy to take for granted that we are walking in the steps of Jesus (1 Peter 2:21). Perhaps we have 

determined our faithfulness to the Lord according to our attendance or Bible reading. Maybe we 

have convinced ourselves that if we put enough money into the contribution plate, then we are 

showing our faithfulness. But is that really all there is to living a faithful life for the Lord?

For the past couple of weeks in the auditorium class, we have begun the process of 

determining whether we are true followers of Christ or just “fans”. The questions we must 

answer for ourselves as individuals are very difficult and demand an intense look at our heart, 

not according to our “feelings” (too often deceitful, Jer. 17:9), but according to God’s Word.

So, I challenge each of us to find a quiet place this week (is that even possible at this time 

of year?!) and consider our walk with the Lord. We focus on the first part of Paul’s challenge to 

“examine yourselves”, but notice the rest of the verse, “Or do you not recognize this about 

yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you—unless indeed you fail the test?” Are you walking with 

Jesus, or have you slipped into a walk contrary to the Lord? Examine yourselves to be sure! 

A Personal Note…

Cathy and I would like to thank each of you for the many prayers, cards, gifts, 

encouragement and love that has been shared with us, not only during this season, but throughout 

the year. We have often commented that the time spent here has seemed but a moment. You have 

taken us in as your family, and it is greatly appreciated. We pray that as we prepare to enter a 

new year, that our goals in serving the Lord will be set high and that we will together work to 

achieve them. May the Lord continue to bless the saints who meet together at Gabbert St., as we 

work in His kingdom, sharing the gospel of salvation here in Monticello, and beyond!