

Words are not enough

Words cannot begin to express our surprise, joy, and great appreciation for your very 

generous gift as we begin our journey to Guam. We have been looking forward to this trip for 

some time now and it has yet to really sink in as to what we are getting ready to do. Even though 

we have both travelled extensively throughout our country, the idea of getting on a plane and 

traveling almost halfway around the world is somewhat surreal. It comforts us to know that as 

we leave Monday morning, we have many praying for our safe journey. And even though we 

won’t be here for the next couple of weeks, you will all be very much in our hearts and prayers. 

We will look forward to being re-united with you soon, Lord willing. 

I can’t help but think this may have been a little of what the early church must have felt 

as they sent Paul and Barnabas on their mission journeys. Their trip was quite a bit longer than 

ours, but the longing to be together again was very real and something Christians today still feel 

throughout the world. I think I have already shared with a few that I am ready to be back on 

home base and we haven’t even left yet! (Don’t let my daughter know that!). 

Some may be asking about Mom. She will be staying in Michigan with my younger 

brother. She also has a grand-daughter there (and great-grands!) with whom she will stay for 

some of that time. While we are away, the offices will be closed. If you have announcements that 

need to be made (prayers for the sick, events, etc.), please contact a deacon or one of the elders. 

Mark Robinson will be teaching class and preaching both times Sunday, Feb. 7 and Brandon 

Johnson will be teaching class and preaching Sunday morning, Feb. 14. The 

Birthday/Anniversary Fellowship will follow the usual Second Sunday Singing, Sunday evening, 

Feb. 14. We will be in contact from time to time by email, but we understand our phones will 

cease to work somewhere between Atlanta, GA and Tokyo, Japan. 

We thank you again for your gift and for your prayers. We thank you for your 

encouragement and fellowship we share from day to day. And we pray that we may all continue 

to grow in a living and active faith for all the world (this now takes on new meaning for us!) to 

Today is the Area Wide Worship, beginning at 3:00. The theme is “Standing On the 

Promises”. I hope you plan to be here and enjoy the time of worship and fellowship with the 

saints from around southeast Arkansas. This will take the place of our regular evening worship. ~