

Personal Greeting

I think that more and more our culture is moving away from the simple yet powerful

concept of the greeting. We get wrapped up in what we are doing and forget to acknowledge the

people around us. How often do we walk by people without even saying hello? We often hear

technology is to blame and maybe it plays a part. I know personally, because I have seen a

change in interactions since the development of smart phones.

When you read through the New Testament, you run across several personal greetings.

Most of the letters begin with a personal greeting from the author to a person, church, or group of

churches. One chapter in particular deals almost exclusively with greetings. Romans chapter 16

is full of personal greetings from Paul to various members of the church in Rome.

We all need recognition. We need to feel that we matter. Every human being has a basic

and natural desire to be acknowledged as significant. Even in the church, we often see people

attending services and they don’t speak to anyone the entire time they are there. Greetings help

us make a connection. They show our concern for other people. They allow us the chance to

reach outside ourselves and become a part of something bigger.

One article that deals with first impressions and greetings indicated we should do the

following: (1) Determine to take every instance of greeting seriously. (2) Take the focus off

yourself and place it on the other person. (3) Learn and use a person’s name in your greeting. (4)

Bless the person with affirmation and interest. (5) Use an appropriate physical expression of

affection such as a warm handshake or hug.

Please take time today and greet the people around you.

~B Tolbert