

Where Is Jesus In Your Life?

A four-year–old was at the pediatrician for a check-up. As the doctor looked in her ear,

he asked, “Do you think I’ll find Big Bird in here?” The little girl stayed silent. Next, the doctor

took a tongue depressor and looked down her throat. He asked, “Do you think I’ll find the

Cookie Monster down there?” Again, the little girl was silent. Then the doctor put a stethoscope

to her chest. As he listened to her heartbeat, he asked, “Do you think I’ll hear Barney in there?”

“Oh, no!” the little girl replied. “Jesus is in my heart, Barney’s on my underpants.”

This little girl seems to have things figured out better than a lot of us do. In living our

lives from day to day, we constantly have to evaluate things in our lives and shift our focus and

priorities accordingly. As most of you would agree, I would not want to go back and relive

adolescence, but it does seem like it was an easier time. This girl, at the age of 4, has her life, her

focus, and her priorities figured out. No matter what is going on around her and no matter what

kind of outside influences are there, she knows that Jesus lives in her heart. How many times do

we get so consumed in life that we forget what is really important? How many times a day do we

allow other things to replace Jesus in our heart? Our bodies are supposed to be the Lord’s temple,

His dwelling place, and to be living sacrifices for Him… no matter what is going on around us.

“Or know you not that your body is a temple of the Holy spirit which is in you, which you have

from God? And you are not your own; for you were bought with a price: glorify God therefore in

your body” (1 Corinthians 6:19-20).

My challenge for you this week is to evaluate your life and determine if Jesus is living in

your heart every day. If He is, I encourage you to make sure you keep Him there and never allow

the struggles and influences of this life to creep in and replace Him. If Christ is not, I urge you to

clear out all the junk and filth and make your heart His temple.

~ Copied & (edited for space)

Eastern Hills church of Christ, Marshall, TX