

What's in a Name?

Without a doubt, the name “Jesus” is the most controversial name in the world. While its

use is permitted as a curse word in the workplace, any other use of it can be considered

harassment. The fact that so many people are offended by the name “Jesus” provides credible

evidence that it must be more than just a name. Such names as John, Elizabeth, James, Ruth, or

Esther — all biblical names — cause no embarrassment and are offensive to no one. Why is the

name “Jesus” so despised by modern cultures? I believe there are three reasons:

1. BECAUSE OF ITS MEANING. Jesus means Savior. The angel proclaimed; “You shall call

His name Jesus, for He shall save His people from their sins” (Matthew 1:21). Since some of us

do not want to admit any need for a Savior, we hesitate to recognize that one exists, for fear that

people will think we need saving. I have news for you: we do! We are all drowning in a “sea of

sin” until Jesus, the Savior, rescues us.

2. BECAUSE OF THE PERSON. Jesus is the personification of perfection. He is the light that

dispels the darkness. But, “Men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil”

(John 3:19). To be saved, we must be willing to come out of darkness and step into the light of

Jesus Christ. The apostle Paul told Agrippa that his mission was to turn men from “darkness to

light, and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins” (Acts


3. BECAUSE OF ITS EXCLUSIVITY. “There is no other name under heaven given among

men, whereby we must be saved” (Acts 4:12). Like it or not, we will all someday bow before

Jesus and confess that He is the Christ, the Son of the Living God.

~ Donald W. Raub, Adapted from Pulpit Helps

via White Rock church of Christ, Dallas, TX