How to study the bible contd...
How to Study the Bible in 3 Steps cont...
This is part two of a three-part article, but even if you missed part one, this can still be
useful. It is vitally important that we study God’s word with earnest effort and dedication to
learning the truth.
Step 2: Interpretation. Interpretation is discovering the meaning of a passage, the author’s main
thought or idea. Five clues can help you determine the author’s main point(s).
1. Context. You can answer 75 percent of your questions about a passage when you read the text.
Reading the text involves looking at the near context (the verse immediately before and after) as
well as the far context (the paragraph or the chapter that precedes and/or follows the passage
you’re studying).
2. Cross-references. Let Scripture interpret Scripture. That is, let other passages in the Bible
shed light on the passage you are looking at. In most cases, you will find that the topic you are
studying is talked about in several different places and often by several different writers.
3. Culture. The Bible was written long ago, so when we interpret it, we need to understand it
from the writers’ cultural context. This is one reason why it is vital that we study the Old
Testament to understand the Jewish culture and history to give us cultural context to the New
Testament teachings.
4. Conclusion. Having answered your questions for understanding by means of context, cross-
reference, and culture, you can make a preliminary statement of the passage’s meaning.
Remember that if your passage consists of more than one paragraph, the author may be
presenting more than one thought or idea.
5. Consultation. Reading books known as commentaries, which are written by Bible scholars,
can help you interpret Scripture. Remember, commentaries are only a tool and the opinions of
men. We need to be careful when we choose a commentary. I often will look at three or more to
get a more rounded picture. ~B. Tolbert via