


In October 2006, after a brief visit to Harding University, Cathy and I met with the

Preacher Search Committee on a Saturday evening over dinner and then on Sunday worshipped

with the loving congregation of saints meeting at Gabbert St. In November we were invited to

come and serve as the new minister, and so for the seventh time in our 25 years of marriage,

Cathy and I (and family) moved to a new location (town), to begin a new work, with new folks

we did not know, but who would become very dear friends in a very short time.

There really are no words to express our appreciation for the surprise ten year celebration

of our time with you in Monticello. Several have asked if we knew what was coming. Everyone

did such a great job of covering up that we had absolutely no idea of your plans. All we can say

is “thank you”. We thank you for the cake, for the wonderful “box”, all the cards (all have been

read and hold a special place in our hearts!), but especially for your friendship and

encouragement through the years. Whenever asked as to our time here, our response is pretty

much the same, “It feels like just yesterday when we began the work.” Even though ten years

have passed, it seems but just days.

As we look over the ten years, we see great things that have been accomplished and look

forward to even greater things in the future. We have mourned the loss of loved ones over the

years, while celebrating the birth of precious little ones. We have witnessed many be obedient to

Christ in baptism, and seen others take on the challenges the Lord sets down for us to grow in

faith. We have seen the auditorium filled with friends and families and area saints meeting

together to praise our Heavenly Father. We have seen our campus program move from a

rundown dorm room to a new facility with room to grow, while purchasing property for building

to accommodate our growing needs.

Cathy and I thank you for allowing us to be a part of your lives over the past ten years

and we look forward to all the possibilities that lie ahead. Our daily prayer is that we will all

strive to grow closer to our Lord as we become brighter lights in this community, that we work at

growing closer to one another as we do battle with Satan from day to day and continue our walk

with Jesus to our heavenly home. That will be the greatest joy of all as we are united with our

loved ones who have gone on before, gathering around God’s throne of grace and praising Him

face to face. May God continue to bless each and everyone of us in the years to come.

~P. Mowrer