

Make Good Habits!

Habits! They are either good or bad. No matter the habit, they take time to form and must
be constantly practiced to remain a habit. We teach our children from an early age the necessity
of brushing their teeth, morning and evening. Over time, brushing teeth will become a habit
which will hopefully keep their teeth intact for years to come. I suppose much of our parental
guidance for our children, especially in the early years, is helping them to form “good” habits
which will help them to become responsible adults in our society. If our children are involved in
athletics or fine arts (or just about anything wherein practice is required), the purpose of
workouts and rehearsals is to help establish habits which will be seen on the playing field or
concert hall. Habits, over time, become subconscious actions in our daily schedule. For the next
several mornings, check out which shoe and sock (right or left) you put on first. Unknowingly,
you developed a “habit” over time and wasn’t aware of it.
The same applies for our walk with Jesus Christ. Let me suggest some habits which
would be beneficial for each of us to put into our lives, if we are truly serious about a faith which
can be seen by others.
Spending time reading the Bible daily. Set aside a specific time each day when you are
less likely to be disturbed. Have your Bible in a favorite place, so you don’t have to spend time
locating it to read. Set aside a few extra moments at the same time to spend in quiet prayer.
Prayer is definitely one of those things we need to make as a habit in our lives.
And what about time visiting a shut in or elderly or an individual who visited our worship
service? Yes, it takes repetition to develop a habit for a visit each week. If you are just waiting
for the right time to come along, good chance you will never make that visit.
Let’s not forget about Bible class and worship attendance. It is easy to get home after a
full day of work and decide that it is just too much of a bother to get ready to go to Bible study.
And it might be that after a full (and late) Saturday evening, it is just easier to hit the snooze
alarm for a few extra minutes of shut-eye, convincing yourself it will be okay as long as I make it
to evening worship.
You see, those folks who always seem to be at worship whenever the doors are open are
the same ones who made worship a habit and would feel miserable if they were to miss. Some
have suggested that if you will do a certain action for at least 21 days, that action will become a
habit. Others would suggest it is just a myth, but fact is, habits do demand repetition and
sacrifice. And maybe therein lies the rub — sacrifice doesn’t always come easy. Yet, the Lord
calls for us to “...take up our cross daily…” (Luke 9:23). Let’s be about making GOOD habits!