

Murder Your Spouse Through Kindness!

In an ancient small village, a man went into the jungle to find the local witch doctor.
“Elder, I can't take it anymore, my wife is driving me insane!!! I want to kill her, but I'm afraid
someone might find out I did it. Please help me”! The witch doctor replied, “Yes I can help you,
but there's a're going to have to make amends with her so no one would suspect that it
was you, when she dies. You'll have to take very good care of her, be kind, grateful, patient,
caring, less selfish, listen more, and help her with chores. You see this powder here, every day
you have to put a little in her food so that she dies slowly”.
Thirty days had passed and the man came back and said to the witch doctor, “I don't want
her to die, I have come to love her and now how do I cut the effect of the poison”? Then the
witch doctor said, “Don't worry, what I gave you was rice powder. She's not going to die,
because the poison was in you!” (Story taken from Facebook, Unknown Author)
Our actions affect the ones around us, the ones closest to us most of all. Often we see a
vicious circle of behavior develop between spouses. Usually this begins by neglecting the little
nice things we do for each other, and eventually lead to us doing purposeful mean things to hurt
the other. We have to break the cycle. In some ways Valentine’s Day can be a time for us to
examine ourselves. Are we taking our spouse for granted? Am I treating him or her the way I
would want to be treated? Love has to be expressed daily, not just one day a year. “Do to others
as you would have them do to you” (Luke 6:31). “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain
conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves” (Philippians 2:3). “My command is
this: Love each other as I have loved you” (John 15:12). “Not looking to your own interests but
each of you to the interests of the others” (Philippians 2:4). ~B. Tolbert