


Many of us were raised on the statement, “God said it, I believe it, that settles it!” I admit,
I thought it was a pretty good statement and defined pretty accurately how we should feel
regarding God’s Word. But it seems that over time, we no longer buy into that sentiment.
The latest Christian Chronicle (March 2018) issue examined the question, “What would
you say defines a church of Christ?” Respondents to a survey represented all 50 states and
answered questions as to why they were (or aren’t) a member, what excites them about their
congregation and what concerns they have about the future of the fellowship. The following
thoughts cover a wide range of ages, but pretty well sums up in a nutshell answers from the
Under 30: Young believers question the fellowship’s nondenominational claim.
Ages 31-40: Millenials stress worship, not labels.
Ages 41-50: Gen X seeks compassion, not politics.
Ages 51-60: Boomers see fading sense of family.
Above 60: God defines what a church of Christ is; we don’t.
If asked your thoughts regarding what defines the church, what would be your response?
Do you fit into one of the categories above? Are there other answers that you would give? Or is
it possible that you have never just sat down to contemplate what the church is and where is it
When God brought the children of Israel out of Egypt, He claimed them as His own. The
books of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy contain laws and regulations the people
“must” follow to be holy in the presence of a holy God. The people either accepted or rejected
God’s terms. There was no middle ground or room for negotiation.
Is not the church the same today? God has called us out from the world (1 Peter 2:9) to
be a holy people (1 Peter 1:14-16) in His presence. Either we accept or reject His terms, but God
leaves no room for negotiations. And that brings me back to the title, “God said it, I believe it,
that settles it!” I think more appropriately would be the following: “God said it, that settles it,
believe it or not!” Are we living our lives in accordance with God’s Word, or have we decided it
is okay to change it to fit our perception of what His church should be? ~P. Mowrer