


For the past several weeks I have been reading a discussion by church leaders regarding
the concerns of dropping attendance on Wednesday evening Bible studies and how to go about
planning for classes with small numbers.
One particular statement bothered me, so I share with you my personal concern. The
statement implied that the leadership had grown to accept the declining numbers and just trying
to do whatever on Wednesday evenings to make it “worthwhile” for those who attended. It is as
if we have decided that [midweek] Bible study really isn’t that important. I would suggest the
following considerations (no particular order):
First, I will agree that Wednesday evening Bible study is really not “mandated” in
Scripture, but if the eldership sees the necessity to meet together, then as our shepherds, we are
to follow their lead (Hebrews 13:17). Second, the early Christians were continually devoting
themselves to the apostles’ teaching … day by day continuing with one mind in the temple…
(Acts 2:42, 46). It was probably at this time that the church may have had its greatest growth.
Perhaps the best explanation is that they were together AND devoted to the apostle’s teaching.
Third, we are encouraged throughout Scripture to devote ourselves to study and to grow in the
knowledge of God’s Word (2 Tim. 2:15; 2 Pet. 1:5-11; 3:18). Some may suggest that they can
study at home and be just as effective. I agree (kind of!), but if we don’t want to spend time
together studying God’s Word, do we really find time to study at home? The wise teacher
instructs that we would do better studying together (Proverbs 27:17). It just seems to me that if
we were a people truly committed to the Lord, then we would be together every opportunity
provided, growing together in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
That being said, I want to commend the congregation here for their attendance on a
regular basis. We have 80-85% Sunday morning worship attendees committed to meeting for
Bible classes Sunday morning, Wednesday evening, and Sunday evening worship. That seems to
be a rarity in the church today. My prayer is that we may truly grow in knowledge of God’s
Word, leading us to lives more holy in His kingdom, preparing for the Lord’s return one day, so
as to hear the words “enter in good and faithful servants”. May the Lord continue to bless us as
we grow in faith! ~ P. Mowrer