


My calendar is filing up quickly! And I know that I am not alone in that department. I
thought it would be good to use this space to share some very important upcoming events for the
Monticello congregation.
Please mark these events and make plans not only to attend each one, but be sure to invite
someone to attend with you.
Fall Festival is scheduled for Saturday morning October 13, beginning at 10:00 at the
Mowrer’s home. This has become a very special event for our children (and older children, too!).
Make plans to have your children with us and encourage them to invite some of their friends to
the activities. This will also give some of you a chance to see for the first time the progress being
made on the new building. Any questions should be directed to Rachel Wilson.
Our Gospel Meeting is scheduled to begin Sunday morning, October 14 and run through
Wednesday evening, Oct. 17. Bill Wheeler, Executive Director of Families First Foundation, will
be our speaker, presenting a series of lessons from the cross, “Making It Through a Bad Day
—His Way”. We will be sharing more information with you as we prepare for this very special
week with Bro. Wheeler. Fliers are available now for your use as you invite friends and family to
this very special meeting.
These two events are always special, but just a reminder that we have opportunities every
month (sometimes weekly) to be active as a member of the Lord’s body. Here is a listing of
some of those opportunities:
Ladies’ Bible Class meets each Wednesday morning beginning at 10:00 at the building.
Regina Dunn is teaching from the study book, “Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World”.
The men are invited to Breakfast at 6:00 on the 3rd Saturday morning of every month for a
great breakfast and fellowship. Chris Bryant, Jason Meier and Jeremy Wilson do a great job in
preparing breakfast.
The Small Study Groups continue meeting the 1st and 3rd (and 5th) Sunday evenings of
each month. We are currently studying “The Christian and His Influence”, written by Wendall
Winkler. I hope you are taking the opportunity to meet with a group. It is a great time to get to
know each other better and to be a part of challenging each of us to a more distinctive life as
Christians, shining as lights in the dark world. ~P. Mowrer