


We begin our meeting this morning and we are so excited to have Bill Wheeler with us. Bill
has served as Executive Director of Families First Foundation since 1997. He and his wife
Carolyn live in Marion, AR. They have three daughters and four grandchildren.
Bill has been a preacher of the gospel for 57 years and served six congregations (the last 23
years of pulpit ministry was with the Missouri Street congregation in West Memphis, AR). He
has received his B.A. in Bible from Harding University and M.A.R. in New Testament from
Harding School of Theology. Bill also completed studies for a degree in Family Counseling at
Harding School of Theology. As a family life educator with the National Institute of
Relationship Enhancement, Bill presents lectures on home and family and provides free
counseling to those in need.
I pray that our hearts are as ready for the gospel message to be shared, as I know Bill is
ready to share it. I want to encourage again that each of us plan to be present each evening to
hear the message Bill has prepared. The following is the list of topics Bill will be preaching
during this week:
“Forgive everyone who’s trying to ruin your life.” Sunday AM Bible Class
“Help others who are experiencing your same struggles.” Sunday AM Worship
“Be sure you are taking care of those nearest you.” Sunday PM Worship
“Aim your hard questions to God, not man.” Monday Evening (7:00)
“Be human enough to acknowledge your need.” Tuesday Evening (7:00)
“Be assured there is a purpose and an end.”
“Finally, surrender your day to God and let it go.” Wednesday Evening (7:00)
Yes, it will be a full week, but I believe a week filled with a great message, great fellowship
and a reminder of how blessed we truly are as God’s children! Even though we start the meeting
this morning, let’s continue to be in prayer for Bill as he preaches the gospel and for us as
listeners, that we may take to heart the message on getting through a bad day, Christ’s way. And,
yes, there is still time to invite someone to the meeting who needs to hear the gospel message!
~P. Mowrer