Vacation Bible School, complete for another year. Special thanks to Chris Bryant (and Leah)
for their efforts in making VBS a special week for everyone. I can’t begin to list names, because
I would leave someone out unintentionally, but there were many individuals involved. Thank
you all for your service for the week, but also for the preparation in making the week a success.
Let me share a few thoughts regarding the “basics” of the week, for those unable to be a part of
the activities.
All “fixer uppers” begin with a demolition phase. In our studies, we recognized the perfect
creation of God (Gen. 1:31) before sin entered the world. God was “grieved” that He had made
man on earth (Gen. 6:6) and so “destroyed the world with water” (Gen. 7:4), except for Noah
and his family. It didn’t take long after the flood that man again disobeyed God (Gen. 11). The
sin of the world is prevalent today as man continues to find “new” ways to live contrary to God’s
holiness. We looked at the need for a “firm foundation” and how important it was to “rewire” our
lives to be in accordance with God’s Word. And finally, we looked into the future to see the
wonderful home that God has prepared for those who obey Him (Jn. 14:1-6).
One thought repeated each evening in the adult class was the need to “look at the book”.
During the process of renovating and rebuilding, carpenters spend time studying the plans or
drawings so that they end a project according to the desire of the master designer. So it is in our
lives. If we want to live according to the Master Designer, then we must spend time in His plans
to insure the final result. Unfortunately, too many people have never spent any serious time in
God’s Word to know what He really expects of mankind. And it takes only a brief look at our
world today to know the result when a society chooses to ignore God’s plan—a world spiraling
out of control.
We have the plan, but do we believe in the plan enough to share with a lost world? Noah
was called to build an ark to save him and his family—and he did as he was instructed. We are
called to preach and teach Jesus to a world in desperate need of salvation—but are we doing as
we have been instructed?
This week of VBS has really been just the beginning of a great opportunity to teach others
about Christ. Will you take advantage of that opportunity? We had many visitors throughout the
whole week. Will you invite them back to hear the gospel being preached? Will you take time to
visit and encourage a Bible study? ~P. Mowrer