


Beginning Sunday morning, October 20 in co-operation with the Rison church of Christ, we
will be hosting a Gospel Meeting and Lecture Series featuring Brad Harrub as our guest speaker.
Bro Brad Harrub is the Executive Director of Focus Press and is a professional Christian
apologist, traveling the world presenting seminars on Christian evidences and fortifying the
family. The topics for Sunday are as follows:

Sunday Bible Class Evidence for a Global Flood
Sunday AM Worship Are You Convicted?
Sunday PM Worship 7 Reasons We Are Losing Our Children
Following morning worship, we will have a Fellowship Luncheon.
Monday and Tuesday evening, Bro. Harrub will be speaking at the Fine Arts Center on the
UAM campus. We invite you to be a part of this lecture se- ries. This will be a great opportunity
to demonstrate our interest in God’s Word, even though we may be at a different location. Bro.
Harrub will speak on Evolution Hoaxes Monday evening and the Dinosaur Dilemma Tuesday
evening. Be sure to invite friends and family to join you for these very important lectures.

In conjunction with the Gospel Meeting, we are planning to knock doors this coming
Saturday morning, Oct. 12. We will meet at the building at 9:30 and return to the building at
noon for lunch. We will be handing out flyers in several subdivisions and need your help. If you
can’t be part of this opportunity, be sure to take for yourself a few flyers to hand out personally.
~P. Mowrer