


Beginning next Sunday morning, June 28 we will be back in our building to worship
together! This comes after a three-month shut-down for safe-distancing during the ongoing
COVID-19. The elders have determined that we can come together for worship as long as we
follow guidelines which will help keep us safe and well. In keeping with these guidelines, we
will meet at two separate meeting times to allow us safe- distancing while in the auditorium. We
will have Sunday morning worship only. The first service will meet at 9:30 and the second at
You will be receiving a letter from the office by early next week outlining the steps of
precaution being implemented for our safety. It has also been necessary to assign families and
individuals to a worship time to help in safe-distancing. This assignment list will be attached to
the letter. You are encouraged to contact the elders or church office with questions or concerns
regarding our first Sunday back. We will continue to livestream our worship service. Please note
that the livestream will begin at 9:30, instead of the usual 10:30 time. This will be an actual
livestream and not a recording!
We hope that within a short time, we will all be able to meet together to worship our Lord in
one voice!

THE OLD BUILDING HAS SOLD! As of 3:00 Thursday afternoon, the building is no
longer ours. Many of you have been asking about the status of the building and we wanted to
make sure that you were made aware of the sale.
We are thankful for the 60 years it served as our meeting place. And during those 60 years
many memories were made —some happy, others sad —but memories all the same.
We say “Good-Bye” to a dear friend, but “Welcome Back” to our newest friend!