


The death of Christ is of prime importance because He died as a sin-offering for all of mankind. The words of Jesus: “Broken for you;” “Shed for you;” “Shed for many for the remission of sins;” all these indicate the vicarious nature of his suffering and death. Many men have died cruel and unjust deaths; many have died sorrowful deaths; but none has died one like that of the Son of God. Somehow upon Him He bore all the sins of all the men of all ages. They were crucified, killed, with Him, that man might be free from his bondage to sin. The death of Christ made satisfaction on the Divine scales of justice, having atoned for the transgressions of man by suffering in his stead. Now man and God are reconciled; the justice of the nature of God can allow man to come into God’s presence again as a pure and free individual, no longer in a bondage that he cannot break. “For He hath made Him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him" [2 Corinthians 5:21 King James Version]. - Author Uknown