

Would You Like to Buy A Vacuum?

The doorbell has just rung, and you open the door. There stands a salesman. He is nicely dressed, smiling, and holding a vacuum in his hand. He says, “Would you like to buy a vacuum?” How would you respond? Some might just shut the door, while others may be polite and say, “No thank you,” while quickly looking for an exit strategy. It is hard to fault anyone for asking for Bible studies. There are so few Christians who are willing to conduct a study. I certainly don’t want to discourage anyone. Selling a product is an art. Every salesman goes through training courses to learn about his product, but more importantly, to learn about the customers. I would like to suggest that there is a better approach to sinners than asking, “Would you like to have a Bible study?” Here are few things to consider. First, you should never transition from contact to Bible study without prospecting. The prospecting stage is the key to a successful end. Prospecting is soil preparation, and Christianity is uniquely designed to accomplish this step. Second, work on your approach. The approach is the key moment of any sale. Christians are the most equipped people in the world to interact with sinners. The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control! Who would not like these qualities? Look for areas of agreement and familiarity; offer compliments. Third, invest time in every contact and let them get to know you. You are the only church member they know so never forget Who and what you represent. Find out what they enjoy and enjoy it with them. You must be willing to become all things to all people that some might be saved (1 Corinthians 9:22). Fourth, never underestimate the power of a meal. Eat with sinners, and you will quickly learn why Jesus did the same. Meaningful and revealing conversations do not normally happen at the front door. Conversations over a meal are usually a fountain of information. Fifth, do not forget the purpose of prospecting is to get the Bible study. While we eat and build friendships with sinners, keep the mission in mind. If a sinner sees who you are and how important Christ is in your life, the door will open for a Bible study. Sixth, develop your transition. The awkward moment is always the seconds between the conversation and the invitation to study. Here is a line that we have used dozens and dozens of times with success. “Margie, what do you think about the Jacksonville church of Christ?” (if the church has done a good job, the response will give you the green light). “How much do you know about us? Would you like to know more?” Seventh, be ready for “yes.” Set the day and time without delay. Remember, meals are always a winner before a study, as they relax the prospect. Dessert is always good during the middle of a study. The doorbell has just rung, and you open the door. A nicely dressed man immediately begins complimenting your yard, home, and mentions one of your neighbors. He is conversational, and before long, he is talking about floors and how important it is to keep them clean. “Have you ever heard of our new Space Vac? You have got to see this thing work. It is the most amazing product I have ever seen. May I demonstrate?” He begins to vacuum your house and shows you how unique his product is and shows you how to use it. Before long you are using it and loving it. He does not have to ask you to buy it, because you are going to ask, “How could I get one of these vacuums?” You do not have to ask for a Bible study when you earn it. Know your product and get to know your customer, and you just might make the sale