Sept 29 Announcements
Margaret Harris fell and broke her wrist. She is recov-
ering at home.
Jerry Smith is experiencing health problems and has
been hospitalized for tests.
Remember Jerry Tolbert. He is undergoing radiation
Janet Staudinger will have surgery on October 11. Pray
for safe travel also.
Sandra Baker’s aunt, Elizabeth Phillips, passed away.
Rita Stiles needs continued prayers.
Suzette Russell is having health problems.
Eddie Don Russell is having his heart problems treated
with medicine.
Donnie & Janice Wright need continued prayers for
health problems.
John Rice will be going to Mayo Clinic in November.
Pray that the doctors can get him on a treatment plan
that will work.
Sue Woodard, Suzette’s mother, will have another pro-
cedure on her back soon.
Matt Wilson, son of David, will have hernia surgery
October 1.
Kenny Hudgens is still recovering from a procedure
with his pacemaker.
Acacia May, niece of Becky Rice, needs continued pray-
The family of Lu Ann Dennison, who passed away..
Luke Reid had ACL repaired.
Charles Baldridge, brother-in-law of Janet Staudinger,
has prostate cancer that has spread.
The mother of Karen Pickens, who is Janet Staudinger’s
friend, passed away.