

Sept 29 Announcements

 Margaret Harris fell and broke her wrist. She is recov-
ering at home.

 Jerry Smith is experiencing health problems and has
been hospitalized for tests.
 Remember Jerry Tolbert. He is undergoing radiation
 Janet Staudinger will have surgery on October 11. Pray
for safe travel also.
 Sandra Baker’s aunt, Elizabeth Phillips, passed away.
 Rita Stiles needs continued prayers.
 Suzette Russell is having health problems.
 Eddie Don Russell is having his heart problems treated
with medicine.
 Donnie & Janice Wright need continued prayers for
health problems.
 John Rice will be going to Mayo Clinic in November.
Pray that the doctors can get him on a treatment plan
that will work.

 Sue Woodard, Suzette’s mother, will have another pro-
cedure on her back soon.

 Matt Wilson, son of David, will have hernia surgery
October 1.
 Kenny Hudgens is still recovering from a procedure
with his pacemaker.

 Acacia May, niece of Becky Rice, needs continued pray-

 The family of Lu Ann Dennison, who passed away..
 Luke Reid had ACL repaired.
 Charles Baldridge, brother-in-law of Janet Staudinger,
has prostate cancer that has spread.
 The mother of Karen Pickens, who is Janet Staudinger’s
friend, passed away.