

Oct 13 Annoucements

 Margaret Harris is still recovering from a fall resulting
in a broken wrist.
 Jerry Smith needs continued prayers.
 Remember Jerry Tolbert. He is undergoing radiation
 Janet Staudinger had surgery this past Friday at Duke
University Medical Center.

 Ray Leonard has some cracked ribs from a tractor acci-
dent. He is at UAMS. There is still a chance for surgery

but he is able to eat and drink now.

 Becky Rice is traveling to Mayo Clinic in Minnesota to-
day for tests concerning nerve pain in her face. Please

pray for safe travel also for her and Kerry.
 Family of Leo Wright, an elder in Crossett church,
passed away. His funeral was last Thursday. Pray for his
family and the Crossett church.
 Rita Stiles needs continued prayers.
 Suzette Russell is having health problems.
 Donnie & Janice Wright need continued prayers for
health problems.
 John Rice will be going to Mayo Clinic in November.
Pray that the doctors can get him on a treatment plan
that will work.

 Acacia May, niece of Becky Rice, needs continued pray-

 Charles Baldridge, brother-in-law of Janet Staudinger,
has prostate cancer that has spread.