

Oct 20 Announcements

 Margaret Harris recovering from surgery
 Jerry Smith is improving
 Remember Jerry Tolbert. He is undergoing
radiation treatments.
 Janet Staudinger is home and recovering from
 Ray Leonard has been moved to nursing home in
Star City for rehab.
 Becky Rice will try medication before resorting to
 Rita Stiles needs continued prayers
 Suzette Russell needs continued prayers
 Donnie & Janice Wright need continued
prayers for health problems
 John Rice will be going to Mayo Clinic in
November. Pray that the doctors can get him on a
treatment plan that will work.
 Acacia May, niece of Becky Rice, needs continued
 Charles Baldridge, brother-in-law of Janet
Staudinger, has prostate cancer that has spread
 Joe Sponagale is improving
 James May, Becky Rice’s father, will have surgery
to fix a faulty pacemaker on Monday, October 21st.
 Mayor Jason Akers is having some health issues.
 Michael Gilbert is recovering from brain surgery
 Marcus Lawson is dealing with some personal
struggles and needs prayers
 Joe Moore’s eye problem is improving