

Do into all the World

It is easy to develop “tunnel vision” when it comes to the work of the Lord’s church. Day

after day and week after week the same old thing. For the minister, a steady schedule of 

preparation for Bible classes and sermons, bulletin articles, preparation for upcoming events, 

visitation, etc. For the member, perhaps an even bigger question mark as to the work of the 

church. Unless you are directly involved in a Bible study or making preparation for your weekly 

Bible class, the work of the church may appear to be limited to your attendance at worship on 

Sunday and Bible class on Wednesday evening. Let me try for a moment to burst that perception 

of the work of the Lord’s church. 

This past week I was able to attend a gospel meeting in Harrell, AR. For the past three 

weeks they have been actively knocking doors in preparation for the meeting. They were able to 

set up several Bible studies and rejoiced with the baptism of four individuals. Even though the 

congregation may be small in number, they are actively trying to serve the Lord. 

I received a couple of emails this past week reminding me of mission efforts being 

conducted in the Northeast United States and around the world (especially with those we support 

in Rwanda and Tanzania). Because of my involvement in the White Rock Fund (a group of 

faithful Christians helping to support ministers and missionaries throughout the world) I have 

become more aware of the work that is taking place in obedience to the Lord’s commission that 

we go and teach, making disciples and baptizing them in the name of Jesus Christ (Mt. 28:19-

Back to our “tunnel vision”. We need to be very aware of the Lord’s work going on 

around the world, but we also need to remind ourselves that going into all the world means going 

into all of Monticello. We have opportunity each and every week to invite someone to join us for 

a Bible study or attend worship with us. Vacation Bible School is just around the corner, offering 

another opportunity to be involved in teaching and making disciples for the Lord. But the 

question we must ask ourselves daily, “Am I doing my part in teaching others?” You see, the 

commission Jesus gave the disciples is the same commission (command) that has been passed 

down through the ages for you and me. Let’s be sure to be praying for the work around the 

world, but also for the work right here in Monticello. The fields are indeed white for harvest!