


By the time most of you receive the bulletin, the auditorium and classrooms will have

undertaken a major facelift in preparation for the first evening of Vacation Bible School. I am

always impressed with the amount of work put into decorating the building for VBS, and this

year is no different. Thank you to all those who have worked so hard in decorating and thank you

in advance to all who will be helping to make this week a very special week for our children.

The theme this year is “The Voyage of the Alpha and Omega”. The following is a list of

the class lessons and the teachers.

Harbor of Peace; Feeding the 5,000

Lighthouse of Hope; Healing the Blind Man

Compass of Guidance; Washing the Disciples’ Feet

Lifeboat of Safety; Resurrection of Jesus

In addition to the classes listed above, Marty Baker will be teaching a teenage class in Room 5

and Joe Moore will be teaching the adults in the auditorium.

As I do each and every year, I ask all of us to be involved in making this week what it can

be by doing the following:

1) Pray for all of our teachers and workers as they teach God’s Word each evening. With all the

great classroom preparations, it may be easy to forget that it really is all about teaching God’s

wonderful love.

2) Invite someone to come with you to see what all the fuss is about. It is not just for our

children. Our adult class will be hearing the same lessons as our children each evening.

3) Be present yourself so as to be an encouragement to all those who have worked so hard in

making VBS week special.