

The Meeting’s Over … Now What?


It has been a great week with Paul and Susan O’Rear! The lessons on “Building Strong

Families” presented by Paul were a great challenge to each and every one of us. It was good to

see the number of visitors in attendance each evening, thanks to your efforts inviting friends and

family. And, yes, there were those you invited who chose not to attend, but you are to be

commended for your efforts. The meeting has come to an end, so now what?

I mentioned that the lessons were a challenge to each of us, whether young or old, family

or empty-nesters. Each lesson questioned us as to our foundation, not just as a family, but as an

individual, and especially as a Christian. For our families to be strong, we must be founded on

Jesus Christ! For us to be strong as individuals, we must be founded on Jesus Christ! For the

church to remain strong and influential in our community, we must be founded on Jesus Christ!

It is a recurring theme, which unfortunately is being missed in our society today, but more

concerning, is that it is being missed or ignored in the church today. We must continually ask

ourselves if living for the Lord is indeed our priority (2 Corinthians 13:5), or has it just become

another activity in our very busy lives.

Even though the gospel meeting has come to an end, the work of the Lord is ongoing.

What role are you playing in the building up of the kingdom? Are you “all in”, as Paul

challenged Monday evening? Do we truly love the Lord “...with all our heart, and with all our

soul, and with all our mind” (Matthew 22:37)? Or, have we become complacent in our walk with


Have you given yourself completely? The reason the rich young ruler (Luke 18:18-25)

walked away from Jesus was the same reason many of us struggle in our Christian lives: the

inability to “deny ourselves, take up our cross daily, and follow Christ” (Luke 9:23). I am

thankful that Jesus “emptied Himself” for you and for me! I am thankful for the wonderful grace

of God, who loves us, in spite of our shortcomings. And I am thankful for the church Jesus died

for and purchased with His blood (Acts 20:28).

Let’s put Jesus back in the forefront of our lives! We need to be praying every day that

we may be the lights the Lord wants us to be in this dark world. We need to continue to be in

attendance every time the doors are opened. In so doing, we are showing to the community that

the Lord is truly first in our lives, ALL the time! We need to continue our efforts inviting friends

and families to attend worship and Bible study to hear the gospel of Christ proclaimed. We need

to be “ALL IN” for Christ! Are you? ~P. Mowrer