

A Pair of Special Glasses

A little boy said to a playmate: "When I get older, I want to wear glasses just like Grandma
wears. She must have a special kind because she can see much more than most people."
"She can see when folks are hungry or tired or sorry, and she can even see what will make
them feel better. She can see how to fix a lot of things to have fun with, and she can see what I
meant to do, even if I didn't do it right. She can see when I am about to cry, and she knows what
to do to make me feel better."
"I asked her one day how she could see so good, and she said it was the way she learned to
look at things as she got older. So when I get older, I want a pair of glasses just like Grandma's
so I can see good, too."
Grandmothers and mothers can be great. They can see their children’s needs often before the
child is even aware of the need themselves. God is like that as well. He had a plan in place for us
when we messed up, even before we knew we had gotten into trouble. God sees Christians in a
special way, almost with his own type of special glasses. “But if we walk in the light, as He is in
the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from
all sin” (1 John 1:7).
The Old Testament describes how we look to God when we are cleansed of sin. The Bible
describes how our sins can be cleaned and we will be made white as snow. “Come now, let us
reason together, says the Lord: though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow;
though they are red like crimson, they shall become like wool” (Isaiah 1:18 ).
How does God see you? Are you His child? Have you been washed in the blood of Christ?
Have you been cleansed, or are your sins still on you, scarlet and red like crimson? ~ Brad