


The school year is over! Schedules, homework, meetings, and deadlines are all past and
now to implement all the wonderful summer plans which have been dreamed about for months!
But, before you lace up the hiking boots, before you try out that boogie board, and before you
vacate all thought processes, please be sure to make plans for the following:
Vacation Bible School kicks off next Sunday evening and continues through Thursday,
June 7. Chris and Leah Bryant have done a fine job organizing and the teachers will begin this
week doing their usual outstanding transformation of the classrooms to help us “Excavate!” for
treasures of Jesus. If you have not already been asking friends to join you for the week, now is
the time. There are fliers available on the back table of the auditorium to help remind friends and
family of the very special week planned.
Summer Series begins Wednesday evening, June 13. Our theme is “Let Your Light
Shine.” We will have speakers from area congregations and from our own. It is easy during the
summer months to let Wednesday evenings slide, but I hope you will make plans to be in
attendance each and every Wednesday, showing your support and encouragement for each
speaker, as they speak on a very important theme in the lives of Christians. Our first speaker is
Jerry Martin from the Pine St. congregation in Crossett. There is a complete list of speakers on
the inside page of this bulletin. The fliers on the back table also have the summer schedule of
topics and speakers. We encourage you to share these with family and friends.
On a sadder note, Kelly and Christine Bryant will be moving to the Fayetteville area this
summer. We will be honoring them Saturday evening, June 23. Be sure to set this date aside to
spend a special time of fellowship with them. We will share more as the date draws nearer.
Change Cans for Children’s Home of Paragould will be available in the next week or
two. Your support in this program has always been very generous and greatly appreciated.
Change cans will be collected near the end of August. Also, on behalf of Children’s Homes of
Paragould, the Pine St. congregation in Crossett is hosting a Fish Fry Friday, June 29 at 6:00.
Beginning next Sunday morning, June 3, Joe Moore will begin teaching the adult class in
room 10. His topic is, “Some of Jesus’ Favorite Stories, A Study of Jesus’ Parables”. Chris
Bryant is teaching the young adult class using the book, “Why I Am a Member of the Church of
Christ” by Leroy Brownlow. We continue our study in the auditorium of the “Holy Things of
God”. ~P. Mowrer