


It had been over 500 years since Abraham had been promised a land he would call home.
Four hundred of those years his descendants spent in Egypt, much of it in slavery. No doubt
during those difficult years there was much discussion as to when they would return to their land
of promise, or perhaps if their dream could ever be reached. And I know that during the
wilderness wanderings there were times this nation of God was ready to return to Egypt for the
“finer” things in life (Numbers 11, 14). Even as they entered into Canaan they complained to the
Lord and allowed the people of the land to distract them from establishing themselves in their
promised land. But, finally, they did become the kingdom God had promised and they did
influence the people in the land to worship the true living God.
And now after years of dreaming and planning of our own, we have arrived at the day to
begin building at our new location. Monday morning at 10:00 we will break ground for the new
building and hopefully by the end of the week we will see the beginning of ground preparation.
And yes, just as the Israelites began their journey with some hesitation, there are concerns that
have been voiced over the years (and even now), but the journey is upon us. Now is the time to
humbly bow before God because of His handiwork and to recognize that without His hand in all
things, we would not be able to accomplish what we are setting out to do. Now is the time to
rally around our leadership as they face decisions that will continue to come their way, not only
regarding the building process, but the everyday concerns of the Lord’s church. Now is the time
for each of us to re-examine what we are giving to the Lord each week and determine if we can
do more. When we first began the “building dream”, it was heard that if we wanted to, we could
easily pay the building off within 10 or 15 years. And I still believe that today, if we really have
the “...mind to work” (Nehemiah 4:6). And now is the time to renew our efforts to be the light
on the hill that cannot be hidden. The building is not the end result we desire, but only a tool to
help us in our work for the Lord, as we teach a lost and dying world about salvation in the name
of Jesus Christ.
I hope you will make plans to be with us Monday morning at 10:00 as we break ground.
It is truly an historic moment in the history of the church in Monticello. You can take the “dirt”
driveway on the east side of the property (it will be marked) all the way to the ground breaking
location or you can park in the driveway and walk through a fence opening located on the west
side of the house. Either way will get you to the right place. We look forward to being together
Monday! ~P. Mowrer