

The Heavens

Have you been outside at night lately? Did you take time to look up and take in the night
sky? One thing I have always enjoyed is looking up at the night sky. I even took astronomy in
college because I was interested in the night sky. One thing it takes to really see the beauty of the
stars is darkness. With all the city lights and night lights around people’s houses it is becoming
harder and harder to see the stars at night. People are growing up in cities like New York who
have never seen the night sky like God intended. When they think of night sky, they think of
only a few stars or maybe even just an orange colored haze of the lights reflecting off the city’s
Have you ever been out on a clear night where it is really dark and looked up and saw the
heavens laid out before you? It can take your breath away! The sky is filled with God’s
handiwork. The sun, moon, the Milky Way, stars, planets, comets, and shooting stars are all the
wonders created by God. “God made two great lights —the greater light to govern the day and
the lesser light to govern the night. He also made the stars. God set them in the vault of the sky to
give light on the earth” (Genesis 1:16-17, NIV). The creation of God spreads across the heavens
for all to see. The sun in the day, the moon and stars at night.
When we look up at the night sky and see all that God has created, we should be awed.
The Bible speaks of the heavens declaring the existence of God. It teaches us revealing
knowledge, if we will just see it.
“The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands. Day
after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge” (Psalm 19:1-2, NIV).
We should never separate ourselves so far from nature that we forget the wonder of God’s