


We will be hosting a gospel meeting beginning Sunday morning, Oct. 14 and will run
through Wednesday evening, Oct. 17. Bill Wheeler, Executive Director of Families First
Foundation in Arkansas will be our speaker. The theme for the meeting is “Making It Through a
Bad Day —His Way”. Bro. Wheeler will share lessons from Christ’s sayings while on the cross.
We encourage you to not only be in attendance for the week, but be sure to invite others to hear
these lessons to encourage all of us in making it through our bad days. The lessons for the week
are as follows:
“Forgive everyone who’s trying to ruin your life.” Sunday AM Bible Class
“Help others who are experiencing your same struggles.” Sunday AM Worship
“Be sure you are taking care of those nearest you.” Sunday PM Worship
“Aim your hard questions to God, not man.” Monday Evening (7:00)
“Be human enough to acknowledge your need.” Tuesday Evening (7:00)
“Be assured there is a purpose and an end.”
“Finally, surrender your day to God and let it go.” Wednesday Evening (7:00)
As we begin preparation for this meeting, consider the following on how you can help
personally in making the meeting a success.
1) Pray fervently. Pray for Bill as he makes preparation to be here and that he might share from
God’s Word those things which will draw us closer to the Lord. Pray that his words find fertile
soil in the hearts of those who need to respond to the Lord’s invitation.
2) Plan to be in attendance each night. I know that there are activities which will come up
which we feel we “must” attend, but is there really anything more important for us as Christians
than hearing the gospel message proclaimed? If we don’t take seriously the need to hear God’s
Word, why should others?
3) Invite someone to come with you. We will be advertising to all area congregations. We will
also advertise on MonticelloLive and in the Advance, but the greatest success will be from each
of us taking a few moments to invite a friend, neighbor, family member or fellow worker. Ask
often and remind them of the opportunity to hear the gospel of Christ.