


“You know, I used to go to church all the time. I never missed a Bible class, never missed a
Wednesday night, never missed a potluck. I don’t know what happened. We started by cutting off
a Wednesday night or two. Next thing you know, Sunday nights were just too much. It was easier
to not try to get the kids out again. You know, they had homework to do and we were tired from
the weekend. Sunday school is good and all, but 9:30 is sort of early. We stay up late on
Saturday nights and what’s wrong with a little extra sleep? We still meant to come on Sunday
mornings, but I got that new bass boat and it sure is peaceful out on the lake. The kids had other
things to do, anyway. I’d go back, but I just don’t feel close to those people anymore. They’re not
the same! Not to change the subject, but my kids are driving me nuts. They lie to me all the time
about where they are going. They act like they don’t know right from wrong. Their choice of
friends is terrible and they don’t have any respect for me and their mom at all! I just don’t know
where we went wrong. We gave them everything we didn’t have growing up. Maybe a good
vacation would do the trick!”
One of Satan’s greatest tricks is to get us cut off from the rest of the sheep. Much like a wolf
does, he woos us away from our brothers and sisters until we are so far away it might be
impossible to get back. It doesn’t happen overnight. It doesn't even happen in a month. It is a
gradual process that happens slowly enough that we don’t even realize what’s happening to us!
If I don’t spend time with the Body, I will get weaker and weaker. As a teacher of teens, I
know that if I don’t have at least a couple of hours with them a week, my chances of having any
effect on their lives is non-existent. The same goes for adults. We have a need for organized
Bible study. As a brother in Christ, and as a person that has experienced just how easy it is to fall
away, I beg you to examine your lives and see how much time you are spending with fellow
believers. Are your children in class and do they go to devos and Bible studies planned for them?
Is the assembly a high priority in your life right now? Lethargy is an easy state to slip into. It’s
time for us all to wake up and come together as a family to proclaim God as the King of our lives
and as the center of our focus! “Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of
doing, but let us encourage one another and all the more as you see the Day approaching.
~Hebrews 10:25

Author unknown, Christian Journal, June 2002