


It is that time of year again when all sorts of things begin to take place and plans being made
for the beginning of the new year. We want you to be up-to-date so as not to miss out on
anything. So here is a list to help out.
Wednesday evening, Nov. 27 all of our classes will meet in the auditorium for a time of
worship and praise to our heavenly Father. This is also the day before Thanksgiving and there
will be many involved in travels to Thanksgiving destinations.
Sunday evening, Dec. 8 we will be meeting at the home of Kelly and Anna Koonce for our
annual Sing-a-Long immediately following evening worship. This will be in conjunction with
our Second Sunday Singing and Birthday/Anniversary Fellowship.
Sunday afternoon, January 26 will be our Annual Area Wide Worship. This will be the
12th time we have hosted the event. We will have much more to share about this as we get closer
to that date. Be sure to mark it on your calendar.
Wednesday evenings in the month of January we will have a Men’s and Women’s
Leadership Training Class for ages Fourth grade and older. There is much we can all learn in the
way of leading in worship and serving in the church. I hope you will make it your plan to be a
part of this study time to encourage our younger leaders and remind ourselves the importance of
the work the Lord has for us to do in His kingdom.
The series “Look at the Book” will end the last Sunday of December. I do hope you have
kept up with the reading schedule throughout the year. I know it has been a challenge, but one
which has been good for each of us as we strive to grow in the knowledge of our Lord and
Savior, Jesus Christ. To finish out the month of December we will study the following books:
Lamentations (12/8), Song of Solomon (12/15), and Philemon (12/22). There will be one more
lesson (TBD) as we conclude the year long study.
“20/20 Vision” is coming our way in the new year. The elders have outlined for us the
challenge to grow in the following areas: evangelism, maturing in our faith, and our worship to
God in reverence and awe. We will share more of this focus in the weeks to come as we prepare
for the new year.
Lots of things ahead for the saints meeting here in Monticello. Be praying that the Lord will
continue to use us as we serve Him in His kingdom.