


Vacation Bible School is upon us and everything is in place for an exciting day of Bible
lessons and sharing life lessons of Bible characters and their faith. The theme this year is “A
Royal Adventure.” The following is a list of the class lessons and the teachers who will help
bring these lessons to life:

King Solomon Builds the Temple
Sara Newton and Lindsey Baker
King Hezekiah is Loyal to God
Paul and Cathy Mowrer and Janet Staudinger
King Nebuchadnezzar Learns Humility
Jessica Pettigrew and Erica Simmons
Jesus Christ is King of Kings

Brad Tolbert

There are many others who have helped and will be helping throughout the week and we
thank all of them for their efforts in making this week a success. As we go into this week, I ask
all of us to do several things to help make this week a special week for everyone.
1) Pray for all of our teachers and workers as they teach God’s Word throughout the day.
2) Invite someone to come with you to see what all the fuss is about.
3) Be present yourself so as to be an encouragement to all those who have worked so hard in
making VBS week so special.

~P. Mowrer