Once a doctrine had been taught and tested, the recipient was re-sponsible, depending on the result of the “trying.” There was the responsibility to either reject or accept what had been proclaimed or taught. In the latter portion of 1 Thessalonians 5:21, Paul tells us that our approval must be very specific. In his words, we see that we must “Hold fast that which is good.” Not only must there be ac-ceptance of that which is good, but we must also bring it in close to ourselves. Paul wrote to the Philippians, we must “approve” those things that have been proven excellent. It must become a part of our lives and our beings.
Things are no different today as far as our responsibility is con-cerned. Teaching must be received with a ready mind, but it must also be put to the test by searching the Scriptures to see if these things are so. Upon proper validation, there must be an approving of the message in what we teach and what we live. If the message proves to be contrary to the doctrine of our Lord Jesus Christ, then we are to reject it and put it far from us.
When all is said and done, the teaching is clear. We must put our approval on that which proves to be the Word of God and we must reject that which does not pass the test. May we strive for the no-bility of the Bereans (Acts 17:11) as we study our Bibles more and more.