

Contacts: Hot, Warm, Cold (Part II)

Making proper use of the HTHSOE bookmarks is one of the most effective
ways to engage members & begin developing warm contacts.
• Every member should be a “bringer.” Each Christian should have a goal of reaching
out to at least ten non-members each year.
• These can include erring brethren or anyone else they know who is lost.
• Jesus, the Master Evangelist, came to seek & to save the lost (Luke 19:10). Jesus saw
people as contacts in need of conversion, & when He taught the woman at the well
in John 4, He treated her like a precious soul in need of salvation.
• “Who is your Samaritan Woman?” Who do you know that is lost & in need of Jesus?
• Using the HTHSOE bookmarks, please write down ten names & bring the card back
each Sunday.
• Every Sunday we will ask the congregation to take out their bookmarks & take one
minute to pray for each name (a minute of silence). It takes 21 days to form a habit &
365 days to change congregational culture.
• Next Sunday, after we spend one minute in prayer for our contacts, we will ask the
following question: “Does anyone have someone on his bookmark that is sick? If so,
please raise your hand.” Those with raised hands will be handed a contact card to fill
out immediately.
• All contact cards will be submitted to the office so that those names can be added to
the congregational contact list for prospecting to begin.
• Each week a different prospecting category will be selected (lost a loved one, just
moved, newly married, etc).
HOT CONTACTS are already sitting in your pews. Some may have been sitting there for
years, & they are ripe for evangelism. These contacts do not require you to knock on a
door, hand out a flyer, or send a special invitation because they have already come to
you. Visitors who walk in through our doors randomly, family members who sit next to

believing parents/spouses, & friends who reach out for spiritual guidance are all con-
tacts. They are almost asking you for a Bible study, & in some cases, they do ask. In these

instances, all you need is a simple transition & a ready method like Back to the Bible in
hand to bring them to Calvary.
Our only goal is for the Kingdom to grow. Let’s all pray for each other every day. Feel
free to share any successes you enjoy. We are all part of the same body, & the more we
work together, the more effective we become.