

Mar 31 Announcements

 Jone Baldridge (Janet Staudinger’s sister) passed away
 Fran Calvert is recovering from surgery
 Laura Smith is recovering from surgery
 Monte Meier waiting to have a heart valve replaced
 Brad Tolbert is undergoing chemo and radiation for the next
five weeks

 Lavon Light (Janet Staudinger’s brother) passed away. Ser-
vices were Wednesday

 Judy Purvis (Fern Baker’s mother) in ICU with low blood
pressure and uncontrolled Afib
 Jamie Edwards (Fern Baker’s brother-in-law) spent some
time in the ER with blood clots, while still going thru chemo

 Becky Colvin is suffering from fractured vertebrae and a kid-
ney stone.

 Gary & Ann Pruitt’s brother from Longview, TX passed away
 William Hines passed away.
 Continue to remember Donnie & Janice Wright
 Continue to remember Rita Stiles

 Elizabeth Phillips has been diagnosed with Stage 4 Bone Can-

 Ike Rochell is undergoing treatments for liver cancer
 Andy Boykin will have procedures that require him to be in
the hospital five days every month for a year
 Lindsey Hall (Drake Hall’s [Monticello Police Officer] wife) is
home recovering
 Allie Cooper’s cancer has returned
 Acacia May (Becky Rice’s niece) is still dealing with health

Mar 17 Announcements

 Judy Beard passed away Wednesday. Remember this family
in your prayers.
 Fran Calvart is recovering from surgery
 Laura Smith is recovering from surgery
 Monte Meier waiting to have a heart valve replaced
 Brad Tolbert is undergoing chemo and radiation for the next
five weeks
 Dorothy Glover (David Wilson’s friend) may have had a
 Lavon (Janet Staudinger’s brother) dealing with COVID and a
need for plasma with antibodies
 Larry Earnest has been put on hospice

 Elizabeth Phillips has been diagnosed with Stage 4 Bone Can-

 Ike Rochell is undergoing treatments for liver cancer
 Andy Boykin will have procedures that require him to be in
the hospital five days every month for a year
 Lindsey Hall (Drake Hall’s [Monticello Police Officer] wife) is

home recovering
 Jone Baldridge (Janet Staudinger’s sister) is having issues
with her kidneys.
 Allie Cooper’s cancer has returned
 Acacia May (Becky Rice’s niece) was taken to the hospital
with breathing issues
 Judy Purvis (Fern Baker’s mother) had a appointment with
the cardiologist Friday
 Jamie Edwards (Fern Baker’s brother-in-law) has started
chemo and is having stomach issues

March 10 Announcements

 Judy Beard passed away Wednesday. Remember this family
in your prayers.
 Fran Calvart had surgery on March 8th
 Laura Smith will have knee surgery on March 14th
 Monte Meier waiting to have a heart valve replaced
 Brad Tolbert will undergo chemo, radiation and physical
 Larry Earnest has been put on hospice

 Elizabeth Phillips has been diagnosed with Stage 4 Bone Can-

 Ike Rochell is undergoing treatments for liver cancer
 Andy Boykin will have procedures that require him to be in
the hospital five days every month for a year
 Lindsey Hall (Drake Hall’s [Monticello Police Officer] wife) is
in the hospital in Little Rock with various complications
 Brian Ferrell (David Wilson’s friend) is recovering from a
 Sue Woodard had a diagnostic procedure

 Jone Baldridge (Janet Staudinger’s sister) is having issues
with her kidneys.
 Allie Cooper’s cancer has returned
 Acacia May (Becky Rice’s niece) was taken to the hospital
with breathing issues
 Judy Purvis (Fern Baker’s mother) had a appointment with
the cardiologist Friday
 Jamie Edwards (Fern Baker’s brother-in-law) has started
chemo and is having stomach issues

Mar 3 Announcements

 Judy Beard is in UAMS undergoing treatment for leukemia
 Brad Tolbert’s is home recovering
 Fran Calvart will have surgery on March 8th
 Laura Smith will have knee surgery on March 14th
 Jerry Smith had a successful procedure on his heart
 Monte Meier is schedule to have a heart valve replaced
 The Staudinger Family is dealing with COVID
 Ike Rochell is undergoing treatments for liver cancer

 Gean Harris (Roger Harris’s brother) was laid to rest Thurs-
day, February 29th. Remember Roger & family in you prayers

 Andy Boykin will have procedures that require him to be in
the hospital five days every month for a year
 Lindsey Hall (Drake Hall’s [Monticello Police Officer] wife) is
in the hospital in Little Rock with various complications
 Brian Ferrell (David Wilson’s friend) is recovering from a
 Sue Woodard had a diagnostic procedure

 Jone Baldridge (Janet Staudinger’s sister) is having issues
with her kidneys.
 Allie Cooper’s cancer has returned
 Acacia May (Becky Rice’s niece) was taken to the hospital
with breathing issues
 Judy Purvis (Fern Baker’s mother) had a appointment with
the cardiologist Friday
 Jamie Edwards (Fern Baker’s brother-in-law) has started
chemo and is having stomach issues

Feb 25 Announcements

 Judy Beard is in UAMS undergoing treatment for leukemia
 Brad Tolbert’s is home recovering
 Fran Calvart will have surgery on March 8th
 Laura Smith will have knee surgery on March 14th
 Jerry Smith had a successful procedure on his heart
 Monte Meier is schedule to have a heart valve replaced
 Ike Rochell is undergoing treatments for liver cancer
 Dean Harris (Roger Harris’s brother) is having stomach or
gall bladder issues that require surgery
 Andy Boykin has been having seizures, and a new tumor was
discovered, which is believed to be the cause
 Lindsey Hall (Drake Hall’s [Monticello Police Officer] wife) is
in the hospital in Little Rock with various complications
 Larry Clements passed away
 Sue Woodard had a diagnostic procedure
 Jone Baldridge (Janet Staudinger’s sister) is having issues
with her kidneys.

 Allie Cooper’s cancer has returned
 Acacia May (Becky Rice’s niece) was taken to the hospital
with breathing issues
 Judy Purvis (Fern Baker’s mother) had a appointment with
the cardiologist Friday
 Jamie Edwards (Fern Baker’s brother-in-law) has started
chemo and is having stomach issues

Feb 11 Announcements

 Tony Beard passed away Monday - his memorial will be Feb.
10th, at 10 am at the Monticello Church of Christ building
 Brad Tolbert’s surgery was successful and he will continue
with treatments and rehab
 Fran Calvart will begin treatments
 Jone Baldridge (Janet Staudinger’s sister) is having issues
with her kidneys.
 Janice Wright is not doing well
 Barbara Newton is recovering from surgery
 Allie Cooper’s cancer has returned
 Acacia May (Becky Rice’s niece) was taken to the hospital
with breathing issues
 Jude Purvis (Fern Baker’s mother) has started new meds and
will see a cardiologist Feb 16th.
 Jamie Edwards (Fern Baker’s brother-in-law) has started

Feb 4 Announcements

 Tony Beard passed away Monday - his memorial will be Feb.
10th, at 10 am at the Monticello Church of Christ building
 Tom Weaver passed away last Monday - the Funeral is Feb.
4th in Dumas, AR
 Brad Tolbert will have surgery Tuesday (Feb. 6th)
 Stacy Vondran’s grandfather passed away
 Fran Calvart is awaiting test results
 Pam Rochell (Jamie Rochell’s wife) was admitted into the
 Jone Baldridge (Janet Staudinger’s sister) had a defibrillator
and pacemaker put in and went into A-fib.
 Barbara Newton is recovering from surgery
 Judy Purvis (Fern Baker’s mother) is weak after battling
 Luke Baker fell and broke his wrist
 Allie Cooper’s cancer has returned
 Acacia May (Becky Rice’s niece) was taken to the hospital
with breathing issues

 Jude Purvis (Fern Baker’s mother) is not doing well

 Jamie Edwards (Fern Baker’s brother-in-law) has been diag-
nosed with cancer

Jan 28 announcements

 Tom Weaver is in the hospital battling meningitis, but is re-

 Fran Calvart had tests this past Friday - pray for good results
 Barbara Newton is recovering from surgery
 Stacy Vondran’s grandfather has been put on hospice
 Judy Purvis (Fern Baker’s mother) is weak after battling
 Luke Baker fell and broke his wrist

 Remember Janet Staudinger and her recent bout with pneu-
monia and the cancelled surugery

 Allie Cooper’s cancer has returned
 Acacia May’s treatments do not seem to be working and she
is in a lot of pain as the disease progresses.
 Jude Purvis (Fern Baker’s mother) is not doing well

 Jamie Edwards (Fern Baker’s brother-in-law) has been diag-
nosed with cancer

Jan 7 Announcements

 Stephen Bragg (sophomore at MHS) lost his family in Michi-
gan over the holidays. Remember this young man in your

 Tami Jones (Calvin Jones’ sister) passed away
 John and Janet Staudinger will be traveling to North Carolina
so Janet can have surgery - pray for safe travels and for the
less abrasive surgery option as possible.
 Reginald Glover passed away
 Ricky Naron has been put on hospice
 Jude Purvis (Fern Baker’s mother) is not doing well
 Jamie Edwards (Fern Baker’s brother-in-law) is having pain
and will meet with a doctor in two weeks
 Jimmy Higgins sister, Brenda, was laid to rest January 6th.
 Acacia May (Becky Rice) fell and may need back surgery
 Candace Carter is having issues with her meds
 Benita Forrest is seeing a heart specialist
 Dale & Diana Bates are need prayers concerning their health.

Dec 10 Announcements

 Ricky Naron has been put on hospice
 Fran Calvert is having surgery Monday
 Earl Charles is recovering from a blood infection
 Mark Dunn (Jeff Dunn’s son) was killed in a car accident
 Joe McKeown (Peggy Moore’s brother) is recovering from
back surgery
 Cheryl Young (David & Paula Wilson’s friend) is recovering
from injuries sustained in a car accident
 Rita Stiles is in rehab at Bellview
 Daniel Rowland (Jennifer Rowland’s oldest son) is in a coma
from injuries sustained in a car accident
 Acacia May (Becky Rice) fell and may need back surgery
 Rita Stiles is rehabbing at Bellview
 Barbara Newton will have thyroid surgery in January
 Darryl Fisher is not doing well
 Kelly Koonce has undergoing treatments
 Candace Carter is having issues with her meds

 Benita Forrest is seeing a heart specialist
 Dale & Diana Bates are need prayers concerning their health.
 Continue to remember Donnie & Janice Wright

Dec 3rd Announcements

 Ricky Naron has been put on hospice
 George French (former deacon) passed away
 Don Riddle (Mandy Tolbert’s Uncle) is having heart surgery

 Jerry Tolbert (Brad Tolbert’s father) is having shoulder sur-

 Acacia May (Becky Rice) fell and may need back surgery
 Tommy Woods (Joe & Peggy Moore’s Nephew) died in a
house fire—services were Friday.
 Rita Stiles is rehabbing at Bellview
 Barbara Newton will have thyroid surgery in January
 Darryl Fisher is not doing well
 Darryl Fisher is not doing well
 Kelly Koonce has undergoing treatments
 Jill Jackson (Barbara Newton) is will have rotator cuff surgery
on Nov 29th
 Candace Carter is having issues with her meds
 Benita Forrest is seeing a heart specialist

 Dale & Diana Bates are need prayers concerning their health.
 Continue to remember Donnie & Janice Wright

Nov 19 Announcements

 Ricky Naron has been put on hospice
 Billy Smith (Carolyn Ashcraft’s brother) is home recovering
 Thomas Stevens is home recovering
 Chester Ashcraft is in the hospital
 Shawn Curtis is recovering from tricep surgery
 Don Riddle (Mandy Tolbert’s Uncle) is having heart surgery

 Jerry Tolbert (Brad Tolbert’s father) is having shoulder sur-

 Sandra Higgins is recovering from cataract surgery

 Acacia May (Becky Rice) is feeling better and has a plan for-

 Kelly Koonce has undergoing treatments
 Jill Jackson (Barbara Newton) is will have rotator cuff surgery
on Nov 29th
 Dale & Diana Bates are need prayers concerning their health.
 Continue to remember Donnie & Janice Wright

Nov 5th Announcements

 Ricky Naron has been put on hospice

 Billy Smith (Carolyn Ashcraft’s brother) had open heart sur-
gery Friday

 Shawn Curtis is at home sick
 Dorothy Foster (Betty McGuire’s caregiver) has been placed
under hospice care
 Erma Dean Fletcher is having heart issues
 Sandra Higgins will have cataract surgery Nov 9th
 Tommy Free is suffering from mini-strokes
 Jessi Baker (Fern Baker) is recovering from injuries
 Laverne Potter is at Lake Village undergoing rehab
 Michael & Daphne Fuqua continue to need prayers after
daughter, Marlene, passed

 Acacia May (Becky Rice) is feeling better and has a plan for-

 Kelly Koonce has undergoing treatments
 Dale & Diana Bates are need prayers concerning their health.

 Continue to remember Donnie & Janice Wright
 Tami Robinson (Calvin Jones sister) has been diagnosed with
 Grady Rawl is recovering from a stroke
 Rita Stiles continues to have health issues
 Candace Carter is having issues with her meds
 Joel Thompson has pancreatitis
 Benita Forrest is still in need of prayers

Oct 29 Announcements

 Ricky Naron has been put on hospice  Eddy Don Russell is at home awaiting test results  A number of the congregation is recovering from COVID  Sandra Higgins will have cataract surgery Nov 8th  Tommy Freeman & Mary Hamick were involved in a wreck  Tommy Free is suffering from mini-strokes  Jessi Baker (Fern Baker) is recovering from injuries  Laverne Potter is at Lake Village undergoing rehab  Michael & Daphne Fuqua continue to need prayers after daughter, Marlene, passed  Acacia May (Becky Rice) is feeling better and has a plan forward  Kelly Koonce has undergoing treatments  Dale & Diana Bates are need prayers concerning their health.  Continue to remember Donnie & Janice Wright  Tami Robinson (Calvin Jones sister) has been diagnosed with cancer  Grady Rawl is recovering from a stroke  Rita Stiles continues to have health issues  Candace Carter is having issues with her meds  Joel Thompson has pancreatitis  Benita Forrest is still in need of prayers

Oct 22 announcements

 Ricky Naron has been put on hospice
 Homer Harris (Roger Harris’s cousin) passed away

 Annitta Perks (Joshua Pettigrew’s aunt) is dealing with infec-
tion and recovering from a broken hip and wrist after a fall

 Ronald Pettigrew (Joshua’s brother) is dealing with an eye
 Terry Boykin is at home with COVID
 Eddy Don Russell is at home awaiting test results
 Sandra Higgins will have cataract surgery Nov 8th
 Jim Beasley had knee replacement surgery
 Bryant Flannigan is fighting an infection
 Jessi Baker (Fern Baker) is recovering from injuries
 Laverne Potter is at Lake Village undergoing rehab
 Michael & Daphne Fuqua continue to need prayers after
daughter, Marlene, passed

 Acacia May (Becky Rice) is feeling better and has a plan for-

 Kelly Koonce has undergoing treatments
 Rebecca Wilson still has optic nerve pressure but the results
came back showing she did not have cancer
 Wendy Tassin is recovering from surgery

Oct 15 Announcements

 Ricky Naron has been put on hospice
 Jessi Baker (Fern Baker) is recovering for foot surgery &
stitches after being involved in a car accident
 Laverne Potter is at Lake Village undergoing rehab
 Marlene Fuqua (daughter of Michael & Daphne) passed
 Lynn Burton has shingles
 Carolyn Ashcraft is recovering from cataract surgery
 Joel Thompson has pancreatitis
 Stacy Harding (elder at West Central) is having health issues
 Acacia May (Becky Rice) is trying to get in to the Mayo Clinic
 Kelly Koonce has undergoing treatments
 Rita Stiles continues to have health issues
 Candace Carter is having issues with her meds
 Rebecca Wilson (Brad Tolbert) has upcoming tests
 Grady Rawl is recovering from a stroke
 Wendy Tassin is having surgery to remove a tumor in Oct
 Dale & Diana Bates are need prayers concerning their health.
 Continue to remember Donnie & Janice Wright
 Tami Robinson (Calvin Jones sister) has been diagnosed with
 Benita Forrest is still in need of prayers

Oct 8 Announcements

 Ricky Naron has been put on hospice
 John Riddle (Mandy Tolbert had a pacemaker installed
 Johnny Jeter passed away
 Jerry Smith had a heart catheter put in
 Jessi Baker (Fern Baker) is recovering for foot surgery &
stitches after being involved in a car accident
 Stacy Harding (elder at West Central) is having health issues
 Dallas May is having hernia surgery
 Acacia May (Becky Rice) is trying to get in to the Mayo Clinic
 Kelly Koonce has upcoming treatments
 Rita Stiles continues to have health issues
 Candace Carter is having issues with her meds
 Brady Beard is recovering from a cut that required stitches
 Rebecca Wilson (Brad Tolbert) has upcoming tests
 Grady Rawl is recovering from a stroke
 Wendy Tassin is having surgery to remove a tumor in Oct
 Katherine Burton is dealing with health issues

 Ken Burrow has been diagnosed with cancer
 Dale & Diana Bates are need prayers concerning their health.
 Continue to remember Donnie & Janice Wright
 Tami Robinson (Calvin Jones sister) has been diagnosed with
 Benita Forrest is still in need of prayers

Sept 24 Announcements

 Ricky Naron has been put on hospice
 John Riddle (Mandy Tolbert’s father) is having a pacemaker
installed Monday (Sep. 25th)
 Acacia May (Becky Rice) is working to get an appointment at
the Mayo clinic for a different treatment
 Sophie Mendez has been diagnosed as being cancer free
 Lynn Burton is not feeling well
 Wendy Tassin is having surgery to remove a tumor in Oct
 Brandon McDonough (Holly Dial’s Uncle) has throat cancer
 Jimmy Gavin has been put in hospice care
 Dale & Diana Bates are need prayers concerning their health.
 Continue to remember Donnie & Janice Wright
 Tami Robinson (Calvin Jones sister) has been diagnosed with
 Benita Forrest is still in need of prayers

Sept 17 Announcements

 Ricky Naron has been put on hospice  Wendy Tassin is having surgery to remove a tumor in Oct  Brandon McDonough (Holly Dial’s Uncle) has throat cancer  Paula Wilson is improving  Teresa Allison (David Wilson’s sister-in-law) will have surgery Sept 23rd.  Jimmy Gavin has been put in hospice care  Tad Price (Laura Smith’s nephew) passed, pray for his family  Millard Heath (Joe Moore’s uncle) passed away  Acacia May (Becky Rice) is moving to Washington with her parents to try and help manage her health  Dale & Diana Bates are need prayers concerning their health.  Continue to remember Donnie & Janice Wright  Tami Robinson (Calvin Jones sister) has been diagnosed with cancer  Benita Forrest is still in need of prayers

Sept 3 Announcements

 Remember the Neal family (Valley View congregation in Jonesboro) in the loss of 16 y/o Sarah Kayte Elizabeth  Barbara Weaver (Tom Weaver’s sister) passed  Shawn Curtis is recovering from surgery on his elbow  Remember the Metigirit family in the loss of their son  Remember the Harper family who lost their grandson in Texas  Jimmy Gavin has been put in hospice care  Tad Price (Laura Smith’s nephew) has suffering with ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease)  Acacia May (Becky Rice) is moving to Washington with her parents to try and help manage her health  Dale & Diana Bates are need prayers concerning their health.  Continue to remember Donnie & Janice Wright  Tami Robinson (Calvin Jones sister) has been diagnosed with cancer  Benita Forrest is still in need of prayers

Aug 27 Announcements

 Gary Light (Janet Staudinger’s brother) passed away -
Visitation is August 25th, 5-7 pm in Hoxie, AR
Services are August 26th, 10 am in Hoxie, AR
 Stacy Vondran is recovering from surgery
 Jim Beasley fell and hurt his knee
 Jimmy Gavin is suspending cancer treatments
 Valerie Bryant broke her ankle
 Tad Price (Laura Smith’s nephew) has suffering with ALS (Lou
Gehrig's Disease)
 Acacia May (Becky Rice) is moving to Washington with her
parents to try and help manage her health
 Dale & Diana Bates are need prayers concerning their health.
 Continue to remember Donnie & Janice Wright
 Tami Robinson (Calvin Jones sister) has been diagnosed with
 Benita Forrest is still in need of prayers

aug 20 announcements

 Becky Kendricks (Tom Weaver’s sister) is home doing better
 Rollie Flaherty’s (Ione Easterling’s cousin) surgery went well
 Janet Staudinger has been dealing with health issues
 Stacy Vondran had surgery for a broken ankle Aug 18th
 Jimmy Gavin is suspending cancer treatments
 Valerie Bryant broke her ankle
 Tad Price (Laura Smith’s nephew) has suffering with ALS (Lou
Gehrig's Disease)
 Lavon Light (Janet Staudinger’s brother) is recovering from
heart surgery.
 Acacia May (Becky Rice) is moving to Washington with her
parents to try and help manage her health
 Dale & Diana Bates are need prayers concerning their health.
Dale was in the hospital with a possible stroke.
 Continue to remember Donnie & Janice Wright
 Tami Robinson (Calvin Jones sister) has been diagnosed with
 Benita Forrest is still in need of prayers

Aug 13 Announcements

 Suzette Russell has started rehab for her back

 Becky Kendricks (Tom Weaver’s sister) has been having sei-

 Rollie Flaherty (Ione Easterling’s cousin) is going to undergo
kidney cancer surgery
 Rita Stiles is at home doing better
 Tad Price (Laura Smith’s nephew) has suffering with ALS (Lou
Gehrig's Disease)
 Lavon Light (Janet Staudinger’s brother) is recovering from
heart surgery.
 Acacia May (Becky Rice) is moving to Washington with her
parents to try and help manage her health
 Dale & Diana Bates are need prayers concerning their health.
Dale was in the hospital with a possible stroke.
 Continue to remember Donnie & Janice Wright
 Tami Robinson (Calvin Jones sister) has been diagnosed with
 Benita Forrest has X-rays coming up

July 23 Announcements

 Toxey Simmons (son of David & Karen Simmons, and best friend of John & Carolyn Ashcraft’s grandson) was killed in a work related accident. Remember all in this time of loss  Suzette Russell is recovering from back surgery at home  Rollie Flaherty (Ione Easterling’s cousin) is going to undergo kidney cancer surgery  Keep Lynn Burton in your prayers  Marcia Mowrer is in the hospital having trouble swallowing  Rita Stiles is at Belle View Estates doing better  Gary Crook had a procedure this past week  Acacia May (Becky Rice) is moving to Washington with her parents to try and help manage her health  Jimmy Gavin has lung cancer  Avery Smith fell and broke her arm  Dale & Dana Bates are need prayers concerning their health  Sharon Eppes (Rickey Eppes’ Wife) is in the hospital with kidney issues  Donnie & Janice Wright are recovering from surgeries and stays in the hospital  Tami Robinson (Calvin Jones sister) has been diagnosed with cancer  Benita Forrest is in pain and has upcoming procedures

July 16 Announcements

 Suzette Russell is recovering from back surgery at home  Donald McCoy (Joshua Pettigrew’s uncle) passed away  Marcia Mowrer is recovering from hip surgery  Rita Stiles has pneumonia  Gary Crook is dealing with some health issues and having some tests run  Acacia May (Becky Rice) is moving to Washington with her parents to try and help manage her health  Jimmy Gavin has lung cancer  Wayne Adams passed away  Dylan Thomson had his wisdom teeth removed  Avery Smith fell and broke her arm  Landon Woodard’s Cancer has returned  Anthony Smith (Friend of Fern Baker) has health issues  Dale & Dana Bates are need prayers concerning their health  Bob Person had a stroke  Sharon Eppes (Rickey Eppes’ Wife) is in the hospital with kidney issues  Donnie & Janice Wright are recovering from surgeries and stays in the hospital  L.M. Wood is at home recovering  Meredith Harrison is undergoing treatments  Tami Robinson (Calvin Jones sister) has been diagnosed with cancer  Benita Forrest is in pain and has upcoming procedures

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