

July 9 Announcements

 Marcia Mowrer will have hip surgery on Tuesday  Rita Stiles is at St. Vincent’s with pneumonia  Gary Crook is dealing with some health issues and having some tests run  Acacia May (Becky Rice) is moving to Washington with her parents to try and help manage her health  Gary Booker passed away this past Wednesday  Fran Calvert is recovering from COVID  Jimmy Gavin has lung cancer  Avery Smith fell and broke her arm  Landon Woodard’s Cancer has returned  Anthony Smith (Friend of Fern Baker) has health issues  Dale & Dana Bates are need prayers concerning their health  Bob Person had a stroke  Sharon Eppes (Rickey Eppes’ Wife) her only remaining kidney is functioning at 20%  Donnie & Janice Wright are recovering from surgeries and stays in the hospital  L.M. Wood is at St. Vincent and doctors are trying to diagnose his issues  Meredith Harrison is recovering from surgery and undergoing treatments  Tami Robinson (Calvin Jones sister) has been diagnosed with cancer  Benita Forrest is in pain and has upcoming procedures Marcia Mowrer will have hip surgery on Tuesday  Rita Stiles is at St. Vincent’s with pneumonia  Gary Crook is dealing with some health issues and having some tests run  Acacia May (Becky Rice) is moving to Washington with her parents to try and help manage her health  Gary Booker passed away this past Wednesday  Fran Calvert is recovering from COVID  Jimmy Gavin has lung cancer  Avery Smith fell and broke her arm  Landon Woodard’s Cancer has returned  Anthony Smith (Friend of Fern Baker) has health issues  Dale & Dana Bates are need prayers concerning their health  Bob Person had a stroke  Sharon Eppes (Rickey Eppes’ Wife) her only remaining kidney is functioning at 20%  Donnie & Janice Wright are recovering from surgeries and stays in the hospital  L.M. Wood is at St. Vincent and doctors are trying to diagnose his issues  Meredith Harrison is recovering from surgery and undergoing treatments  Tami Robinson (Calvin Jones sister) has been diagnosed with cancer  Benita Forrest is in pain and has upcoming procedures

June 25 Announcements

 Lyndell Baker is dealing with some healh issues
 Sharon Eppes (Rickey Eppes’ Wife) her only remaining
kidney is functioning at 20%.
 Rita Stiles is improving but still in need of prayers
 Acacia May (Becky Rice) has been diagnosed and they
are trying to treat her ailments with medication right
 Donnie & Janice Wright are recovering from surgery
 Judy & Tony Beard have not been feeling well
 Gary Light is at home, but is weak.
 Cheiree Webb is in the hospital with heart issues
 L.M. Wood is at St. Vincent and doctors are trying to
diagnose his issues
 Meredith Harrison is recovering from surgery and undergoing
 Tami Robinson (Calvin Jones sister) has been diagnosed
with cancer
 Benita Forrest will meet with a specialist this month

June 18 Announcements

 Lyndell Baker is dealing with some healh issues
 Sharon Eppes (Rickey Eppes’ Wife) her only remaining
kidney is functioning at 20%.
 Rita Stiles is improving but still in need of prayers
 Acacia May (Becky Rice) has been diagnosed and they
are trying to treat her ailments with medication right
 Donnie & Janice Wright are recovering from surgery
 Judy & Tony Beard have not been feeling well
 Herbert Bradly passed away and his services were last
 Darryl Fisher (friend of Staudingers) had a stroke and
they discovered some other unknown health issues.
 Meredith Harrison is recovering from surgery and undergoing
 Tami Robinson (Calvin Jones sister) has been diagnosed
with cancer
 Benita Forrest will meet with a specialist this month

June 11 Announcements

 Lyndell Baker is dealing with some healh issues
 Sharon Eppes (Rickey Eppes’ Wife) her only remaining
kidney is functioning at 20%.
 Rita Stiles is improving but still in need of prayers
 Acacia May (Becky Rice) is still dealing with health issues
 Donnie & Janice Wright are recovering from surgery
 Judy & Tony Beard have not been feeling well
 Herbert Bradly has been moved to hospice care
 Sandra Higgins has been dealing with sever
 Lynn Burton is home
 Patsy Smith (John Ashcraft’s sister) passed away, services
were last Monday
 Meredith Harrison is recovering from surgery and undergoing
 Mignon Griffin tweaked her back when she bent over
to pick something up
 Tami Robinson (Calvin Jones sister) has been diagnosed
with cancer
 Benita Forrest will meet with a specialist this month

June 4 Announcements

 Remember the family of Linda Bates
 Lyndell Baker is dealing with some healh issues
 Sharon Eppes (Rickey Eppes’ Wife) her only remaining
kidney is functioning at 20%.
 Rita Stiles is improving but still in need of prayers
 Acacia May (Becky Rice) received a diagnosis Friday
 Lynn Burton is in Rehab in Sherwood, AR
 Patsy Smith (John Ashcraft’s sister) passed away
 Meredith Harrison is having surgery to remove cancer
on May 30th.
 Mignon Griffin tweaked her back when she bent over to
pick something up
 Keith Major (Jason Meier’s friend) passed away
 Colton Stults passed away after a tragic hiking accident
 The Coon family lost their home in a house fire, and
Eric (the son) was injured and is in Children’s in Little
 Tami Robinson (Calvin Jones sister) has been diagnosed
with cancer
 Benita Forrest will meet with a specialist this month

may 28 announcements

 Remember the family of Linda Bates
 Lyndell Baker is dealing with some healh issues
 Sharon Eppes (Rickey Eppes’ Wife) her only remaining
kidney is functioning at 20%.
 Rita Stiles is improving but still in need of prayers
 Acacia May (Becky Rice) is waiting on surgeries, so she
is still in pain
 Lynn Burton is in Rehab in Sherwood, AR
 Philip Colvin had two stints put in for heart blockage
and is at home recovering.
 Meredith Harrison is having surgery to remove cancer
on May 30th.
 Menon Griffin tweaked her back when she bent over to
pick something up
 Remember the Youth and recent graduates w/ all the
upcoming Summer activities and travel.
 Tami Robinson (Calvin Jones sister) has been diagnosed
with cancer
 Benita Forrest will meet with a specialist in June

May 21 Announcements

 Lyndell Baker is dealing with health issues, but has improved
 Sharon Eppes (Rickey Eppes’ Wife) her only remaining
kidney is functioning at 20%.
 Tammy Lloyd’s heart surgery was successful!
 Bernice Adcock is at Drew Memorial
 Linda Bates is in the nursing home and had issues with
her sugar levels. Remember Ione in your prayers, also.
 Rita Stiles is not doing well.
 Continue to remember the family of Ben Nichols, who
passed recently - They continue to grieve with the loss
 Marie Wooten broke her hip and leg
 Acacia May (Becky Rice) is meeting with a neurosurgeon
- surgery is very likely
 Tami Robinson (Calvin Jones sister) has been diagnosed
with cancer
 Benita Forrest will meet with a specialist in June

May 14 Announcements

 Lyndell Baker is dealing with health issues, but has improved
 Sue Woodard has improved
 Marie Wooten broke her hip and leg
 Acacia May (Becky Rice) is meeting with a neurosurgeon
- surgery is very likely
 Tami Robinson (Calvin Jones sister) has been diagnosed
with cancer
 Christine Riddle (Mandy Tolbert’s mother) is not doing
 Gabby Tucker (Fern Baker’s friend) is on bed rest with
 Linda Bates is not doing well, and in need of prayers.
Remember Ione in your prayers, also.
 Benita Forrest will meet with a specialist in June

May 7 announcements

 Winnie Roberts passed away this past Monday
 Ben Nichols passed away this past Tuesday
 Lyndell Baker is dealing with health issues, but has im-proved
 Sue Woodard has improved
 Marie Wooten broke her hip and leg
 Acacia May (Becky Rice) is dealing with herniated discs
 Tami Robinson (Calvin Jones sister) has been diagnosed with cancer
 Gabby Tucker (Fern Baker’s friend) is on bed rest with pregnancy
 Linda Bates is not doing well, and in need of prayers. Remember Ione in your prayers, also.
 Ainsley Barnett received good news from her tests!
 Benita Forrest will meet with a specialist in June

April 30 Announcements

 Cheryl Shirey passed away this past Monday evening
 Kent Measel (Fern Baker’s uncle) passed away
 Lyndell Baker is dealing with health issues.
 Kay Tomberlin (Larry Fisackerly) is recovering from the removal of a brain tumor.
 Ben Nichols is currently in UAMS and in need of pray-ers.
 Sue Woodard is struggling with double pneumonia
 Tami Robinson (Calvin Jones sister) has been diagnosed with cancer
 Gabby Tucker (Fern Baker’s friend) is on bed rest with pregnancy
 Linda Bates is not doing well, and in need of prayers. Remember Ione in your prayers, also.
 Ainsley Barnett will have tests on May 1st.
 Noah Draper (Linda Forest, Ray & Kathly Linder) is de-
ployed to Germany for 11 months
 Benita Forrest will meet with a specialist in June

April 23rd Announcements

 Sue Woodard is struggling with double pneumonia
 Cheryl Shirey is at Baptist in Little Rock having issues breathing and swallowing.
 Tami Robinson (Calvin Jones sister) has been diagnosed with cancer
 Mike Beard is home recovering from surgery
 Rita Stiles fell at home.
 Gabby Tucker (Fern Baker’s friend) is on bed rest with pregnancy
 Linda Bates had a rough week as in need of prayers
 Ainsley Barnett will have tests on May 1st.
 Janet Staudinger was bit by a snake.
 Bryant Satterlee (friend of Monte Meier) passed away
 Cory Gray has been diagnosed with cancer
 Noah Draper (Linda Forest, Ray & Kathly Linder) is de-ployed to Germany for 11 months
 Benita Forrest will meet with a specialist in June
 Candace Carter

April 16 Announcements

 Sue Woodard is struggling with double pneumonia
 Cheryl Shirey is at Drew Memorial doing rehab and
dealing with pneumonia
 Mike Beard is home recovering from surgery
 Rita Stiles is in the hospital and is in need of prayers
 Gabby Tucker (Fern Baker’s friend) is on bed rest with
 Chasidy Whitney (friend of Ruby Baker) is having heart
 Margaret & Roger Harris are in need of prayers.
 Benita Flemister fell and broke her wrist
 Larry Flemister is in the hospital
 Linda Bates’ is now at home with her niece but still in
need of prayers
 Benita Forrest continues to have issues with ulcers
 Candace Carter will have tests in April.

April 9 Announcements

 Sophie Mendez (4 years old) had a tumor on her brain that was surgically removed.
 Andy Boykin is still in need of prayers, but he was able to go home
 Cheryl Shirey is currently in rehab.
 David Wilson received his test results and will have to see a specialist.
 Gabby Tucker (Fern Baker’s friend) is on bed rest with pregnancy
 Chasidy Whitney (friend of Ruby Baker) is having heart surgery.
 Mrs. Yolanda (per Ruby Baker) had a
 Margaret & Roger Harris are in need of prayers.
 Verda Schell passed away
 Benita Flemister fell and broke her wrist
 Linda Bates’ is now at home with her niece but still in
need of prayers
 Benita Forrest continues to have issues with ulcers
 Candace Carter will have tests in April.

April 2 Announcements

 Sophia (Rusty & Lori Rabb’s granddaughter) is dealing
with some issues
 Sophie Mendez (4 years old) had a tumor on her brain
that was surgically removed.
 Andy Boykin is still in the hospital treating a tumor on
his brain.
 Tammy Lloyd is having heart surgery
 Ainsley Barnett is home but is still in need of prayers
 Cheryl Shirey has been moved to rehab
 Kelly Koonce will be doing rehab for some health issues
 Janet and John Staudinger are getting over strep
 David Wilson had a CT scan on his liver on Mar. 30
 Chad Lloyd is having back issues
 Gabby Tucker (Fern Baker’s friend) is on bed rest with
 Linda Bates’ is now at home with her niece but still in
need of prayers
 Benita Forrest is having issues with ulcers
 Candace Carter will have tests in April.

March 19 Announcements

 Sophie Mendez (4 years old) had a tumor on her brain that was surgically removed.
 Andy Boykin is still in the hospital treating a tumor on his brain.
 Ainsley Barnett is in Children’s in Little Rock recovering from surgery.
 Cheryl Shirey is recovering from surgery and an addi-tional procedure.
 Gabby Tucker (Fern Baker’s friend) is on bed rest with her pregnancy
 Joe Spinaugle is at home recovering from COVID.
 Denon Weaver is having some tests done - pray for pos-itive results
 Walter Stiles was in the hospital to get some medica-tions lined out.
 Linda Bates’ is now at home with her niece.
 Brandy Adams (Grace Kerr, Brad Tolbert) was diag-nosed with cancer and will undergo treatment & sur-gery
 Benita Forrest is still in need of prayers
 Candace Carter will have tests in April.

March 12 Announcements

 Sophie Mendez (4 years old) had a tumor on her brain
that was surgically removed.
 Andy Boykin is still in the hospital treating a tumor on
his brain.
 Bobby Doshier (Sandra Baker’s father) was released
from the hospital, but is still dealing with some health
 Mike Moore (friend of David Wilson) is seeing a neurologist
 Denon Weaver is having some tests done - pray for positive
 Herbert Bradley has been diagnosed with lung cancer
 Linda Bates’ is now at home with her niece.
 Cheryl Shirey will have surgery March 14th.
 Roger Harris will have a procedure on March 15th.
 Brandy Adams (Grace Kerr, Brad Tolbert) was diagnosed
with cancer and will undergo treatment & surgery
 Benita Forrest is still in need of prayers
 Candace Carter will have tests in April.

March 5 Announcements

 Sophie Mendez (4 years old) had a tumor on her brain that was surgically removed.
 Andy Boykin is still in the hospital treating a tumor on his brain.
 Linda Bates’ has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s; Re-member her and her family as they make decisions for her wellbeing.
 Shirley Fisackerly ’s knee surgery went well and she is recovering at home.
 Ike Rochell has been deemed cancer free.
 Bob Kaiser passed away. Remember his family.
 Cheryl Shirey will have surgery March 14th.
 Roger Harris will have a procedure on March 15th.
 Brandy Adams (Grace Kerr, Brad Tolbert) was diag-nosed with cancer and will undergo treatment & sur-gery
 Benita Forrest is still in need of prayers
 Candace Carter will have tests in April.

Feb 26 Announcements

 Sophie Mendez (4 years old) had a tumor on her brain
that was surgically removed.
 Andy Boykin is still in the hospital treating a tumor on
his brain.
 Gwenda Carroll (Fern Baker’s aunt) passed; remember
her family.
 Linda Bates’ has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s; Remember
her and her family as they make decisions for
her wellbeing.
 Shirley Fisackerly ’s knee surgery went well and she is
 Megan Dominique passed; remember her family.
 Rhonda Sanderlin passed away; remember her family.
 Cheryl Shirey met with a surgeon on February 23rd.
 Benita Forrest is still in need of prayers
 Candace Carter will have tests in April.

Feb 19 Announcements

 Sophie Mendez (4 years old) had a tumor on her brain
that was surgically removed.
 Andy Boykin is still in the hospital treating a tumor on
his brain.
 Linda Bates’ appointment with the specialist was
moved to February 21st. She is at home with Ione.
 Shirley Fisackerly will have knee surgery on February
 Cheryl Shirey meets with a surgeon on February 23rd.
 Margaret Harris was involved in a car accident - but did
not have any immediate injuries.
 Benita Forrest is still in need of prayers
 Candace Carter received good new. Continue to pray
for positive news in April
 Gary Crook is dealing with shingles

Feb 12th announcements

 Sophie Mendez (4 years old) had a tumor on her brain
that was surgically removed.
 Andy Boykin is still in the hospital treating a tumor on
his brain.
 Linda Bates’ appointment with the specialist was
moved to February 21st.
 Shirley Fisackerly will have knee surgery on February
 Cheryl Shirey met with a surgeon this week
 Sue Woodard (Judy Beard’s sister) is having more tests
 Benita Forrest is still in need of prayers
 Ray Leonard’s daughter, Cindy, had gall bladder surgery
and is at home recovering.
 Candace Carter is still undergoing treatments.
 Clara Pasley has gone home and is still recovering.
 Gary Crook is dealing with shingles

jan 29 announcements

Sophie Mendez (4 years old) had a tumor on her brain
that was surgically removed this past week.. There is
a possibility of more surgery and treatments depending
on the results of the tests. Remember her and
her family during this difficult time.
Andy Boykin is still in the hospital treating a tumor on
his brain. Surgery went as well as expected, but he
continues on the road to recovery. His family is appreciative
of the gifts, cards, and prayers. Please
continue to pray for this young man and his family.
Linda Bates has an appointment with a specialist on
January 31. Pray for answers and a plan forward.
Pray for her and Ione.
Shirley Fisackerly will have knee surgery on February
John & Christine Riddle (Mandy Tolbert’s parents)
are still dealing with some health issues
Rick Fagan (Karli Walker’s Uncle) is in the hospital
after having a stroke.
Sue Woodard (Judy Beard’s sister) is not doing well.
Benita Forrest is still in need of prayers
Clara Pasley is in the hospital and recovering
Gary Crook is dealing with shingles

Jan 22 Announcements

Sophie Mendez (4 years old) had a tumor on her
brain that was surgically removed this past week.. There
is a possibility of more surgery and treatments depending
on the results of the tests. Remember her and her
family during this difficult time.
Linda Bates has an appointment with a specialist on
January 31. Pray for answers and a plan forward. Pray
for her and Ione.
Shirley Fisackerly will have knee surgery on February
John & Christine Riddle (Mandy Tolbert’s parents)
are still dealing with some health issues
Tona McKiever had stints put in - pray for her recovery.
Bruce Huffman had stints put in, also.
Sandra Higgins has an infection in each ear.
Joe Spinaugle came home yesterday and will continue
to rehab. Pray for his recovery.
Rick Fagan (Karli Walker’s Uncle) is in the hospital
after having a stroke.
Sue Woodard (Judy Beard’s sister) is not doing well.
Ben Nichols is receiving treatment for bone cancer.
They are not having the same effect as they did in the
Sherry Brown received some concerning news in regards to her heart.
Pauline McCloud had a valve repaired and may need a
Benita Forrest has improved and is thankful for the
prayers. Continue to keep her and those she cares for in
your prayers.
Kathryn Burton (sister of Gary Crook) is in the Bellvue
Nursing Home.
Winnie Roberts is in need of prayers.
Donny & Janice Wright and family are dealing with
health issues. Donny had gall bladder surgery this past

Jan 15 Announcements

Sophie Mendez (4 years old) had a tumor on her
brain that was surgically removed this past week.. There
is a possibility of more surgery and treatments depending
on the results of the tests. Remember her and her
family during this difficult time.
Linda Bates has an appointment with a specialist on
January 31. Pray for answers and a plan forward.
Shirley Fisackerly will have knee surgery on February
John Riddle (Mandy Tolbert’s father) is at home
Bob Kaizer has the flu and is in The Woods nursing
Shirley Kaizer fell, and also had a pacemaker put in
and is at home recovering.
Jay Conley had a stroke, but it was caught and treated
Rick Fagan (Karli Walker’s Uncle) is in the hospital
after having a stroke.
Sue Woodard (Judy Beard’s sister) is receiving
blood. Pray that these transfusions are effective.
Ben Nichols is receiving treatment for bone cancer.
They are not having the same effect as they did in the
Keden Shrum (preacher at Rison CofC) is undergoing tests and treatments for a heart condition.
Revel Jackson (Lynn Burton’s Nephew) is home doing
much better. He is grateful for the prayers that were offered
on his behalf.
Sherry Brown received some concerning news in regards
to her heart.
Pauline McCloud had a valve repaired and may need a
Neil Wilson was involved in an accident involving his
brain. There is a long road ahead, but he is showing some
positive signs of recovery.
Benita Forrest has improved and is thankful for the
prayers. Continue to keep her and those she cares for in
your prayers.
Kathryn Burton (sister of Gary Crook) is in the Bellvue
Nursing Home.
Winnie Roberts is in need of prayers.
Donny & Janice Wright and family are dealing with
health issues. Donny had gall bladder surgery this past
NOTE: if your child, grandchild, niece/nephew, etc.
has any event (ballgame, play, concert, etc.) please
email the details to:
These will be added to the bulletin so we can encourage

Jan 8 Announcements

Sophie Mendez (4 years old) had a tumor on her
brain that was surgically removed this past week.. There
is a possibility of more surgery and treatments depending
on the results of the tests. Remember her and her
family during this difficult time.
Donny & Janice Wright and family are dealing with
health issues. Donny had gall bladder surgery this past
John Riddle (Mandy Tolbert’s father) was in the
hospital this past week, but seems to be improving.
Keden Shrum (preacher at Rison CofC) is undergoing
tests and treatments for a heart condition.
Avery Smith broke her arm. Pray for her comfort.
Levi Davis passed away. Pray for this family during
this time.
Revel Jackson (Lynn Burton’s Nephew) is in the
hospital with COVID.
Andrew Miller was in a car accident, and sustained
some injuries that the doctors want to monitor closely.
Steve Morrison lost his mother and father this past
week. Remember him and his family.
Sherry Brown received some concerning news in
regards to her heart.
Jonny Roach lost his son. Remember this family.
Pauline McCloud had a valve repaired and may need a pacemaker.
Ashton Howell’s (coworker of Sarah (Staudinger)
Parker) pathology report came back, and the tumor is
stage 2 benign. No treatment will be necessary. Pray for
her recovery.
Paul Thomas Mowrer was born January 3rd, 2023 to
Adam & Claire Mowrer. He was 6 lbs 5 oz, and 18” long.
Be sure to congratulate them and Paul and Kathy
Neil Wilson was involved in an accident involving his
brain. There is a long road ahead, but he is showing some
positive signs of recovery.
Benita Forrest has improved and is thankful for the
prayers. Continue to keep her and those she cares for in
your prayers.
Kathryn Burton (sister of Gary Crook) is in the Bellvue
Nursing Home.
Continue to remember Linda Bates in your prayers and
that answers and resolutions can be discovered.
Sandra Higgins fell and bruised her leg.
John Jeter is still going through chemo, but he is very
appreciative of the cards that have been sent. They put
him in good spirits.
James Baucom (Faye Baker’s brother) had a stroke.
Winnie Roberts is in need of prayers.

Jan 1 Announcements

Bill Easley (Larry Fisackerly) passed away Tuesday, December 20th. The memorial and services are tentatively scheduled for Jan 3rd & 4th, respectively. Remember his family in your prayers. Avery Smith broke her arm. Pray for her comfort. Levi Davis passed away. Pray for this family during this time. Revel Jackson (Lynn Burton’s Nephew) is in the hospital with COVID. Andrew Miller was in a car accident, and sustained some injuries that the doctors want to monitor closely. Sherry Brown received some concerning news in regards to her heart. Pauline McCloud had a valve repaired and may need a pacemaker. Remember Tony & Judy Beard in your prayers. Luke Baker fell and broke his wrist. Ashton Howell (coworker of Sarah (Staudinger) Parker) has been diagnosed with glioma (type of brain tumor). Carolyn Cook had a heart catheter put in on December 1st, and is recovering, and doing well. Neil Wilson was involved in an accident involving his brain. There is a long road ahead, but he is showing some positive signs of recovery. Benita Forrest has improved and is thankful for the prayers. Continue to keep her and those she cares for in your prayers. Kathryn Burton (sister of Gary Crook) has a brain bleed. Remember her in your prayers. Continue to remember Linda Bates in your prayers and that answers and resolutions can be discovered. Paula Wilson is recovering from surgery. John Jeter is still going through chemo, but he is very appreciative of the cards that have been sent. They put him in good spirits. James Baucom (Faye Baker’s brother) had a stroke. Candace Carter is still undergoing treatments and is having a procedure on some of her vertebrae. Winnie Roberts is in need of prayers. SPECIAL HONOR As of Today the 1st, 2nd, & 3rd Grade Class has written and mailed 600 cards to the sick and shut-ins for 2022. This is a wonderful accomplishment that required a lot of work, and has brought joy and comfort to many. These children have been a blessing to us and others. Be sure to let them know you appreciate their work!

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